
Exactly. If those two hillbilly’s had even the slightest tan they wouldn’t have finished getting the first “bitch” out of their mouth before their teeth were bashed in.

I was reading an OpEd on the (self-reported) studies that say conservatives are happier than liberals and one (I’m guessing conservative) was like “people are saying conservatives are angry but angry’s not the opposite of happy you can be happy and angry” and I was like... you have a very strange definition of

These two jokers feel like the same kind of people who would tell a minority person who gets wrongfully hassled by cops to “just do what they tell you”.

Asking if you’re a citizen at a border checkpoint seems about as effective as asking if you packed any explosives at the airport.

Do you vote for Republicans? If you do, you’re far right regardless of which site you’re on.

Awww Jim Bob, bless your heart. Your own source lets you know that there are consequences (additional questions, detainment, etc) for not answering basic questions.

I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power.

Your link:

If an agent asks you for documents, what you need to provide differs depending on your immigration status. U.S. citizens do not have to carry proof of citizenship on their person if they are in the United States. If you have valid immigration documents and are over the age of 18, the law does require you to carry

This whole article is a weird take and the ACLU would like a word with you about it. 

Damn, that’s a good post. Well said.

Junior Varsity SovCit

I have absolutely zero sympathy for these idiots and I’m frankly amazed with how calm the officers were able to remain in that situation.

That’s the thing with the Q-Anon/MAGA crowd now, they’re moving into “America’s bad, let’s be full-blown Nazis” territory, and they’re going there real quick. From openly supporting Russia/Putin, to trying to subvert elections at every turn, to openly calling for an end to democratic representation to trying to

While these guys don’t spout Sovereign Citizen rhetoric

Did we watch the same video?

Sir, this is a car blog.

Most non-morons would see this article and I go, “Hmmmm, maybe the author doesn’t have the agenda I thought.”

I bet this joker is all about the border patrol stopping and impeding the travel of folks that he doesn’t like.   Because he appears white and speaks with an “american” accent, he thinks the rules and requirements don’t apply.  

Weird, because these types of people are usually absurdly vocal about being ‘Murican.