Shhhh.... facts mean nothing on this blog. They want to wallow in their echo chamber instead of propose solutions.
Shhhh.... facts mean nothing on this blog. They want to wallow in their echo chamber instead of propose solutions.
But it’s illegal to pay a male employee more than his female counterpart, so in effect I don’t see what the state should do.
Technically Seminoles riding horses is cultural appropriation since horses didn’t live on the American continent until Europeans brought them.
Things to avoid: Oysters
Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
If I refused to work for people I hate, I’d be unemployable.
They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.
Hate to say it.....
In this country we have the presumption of innocence. Take your presumption of guilt somewhere else.
You are sending your readers to a site that asks them to provide their credit card information just to read the results. That’s lame.
Oh sweetheart you don’t think the restricting issue is Obama’s physical ability to sign documents do you?
hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead
I bet those same kids were nowhere to be found 10 years ago. Bunch of front-runners.
So, while I would love to see the dethroning of Trump ... how is this different than what the governor of North Carolina is doing right now, that every liberal (including myself) is lambasting as an affront to democracy? Or the rhetoric we criticized Trump for throwing around before the election?
They stopped the Third Reich.
White male, grew up in the burbs and I’ve been pulled over for speeding,etc. probably about 2 dozen times. Every time the cop had the pistol strap undone and his hand on/near the pistol grip, though not drawn. Roddy White is not special.
It’s only fair: School cafeteria workers haven’t been providing students with anything edible in forever, amirite?