
“Sounds enticing, but that is an expensive burden...”

Because it’s an incentive to make better relationship choices and encourage families staying together. 

An illegal Immigrant killed my nephew, why would I want to help these people who are breaking our laws and violating our own citizens rights?  What good is anyone doing by helping people who are breaking our laws avoid capture or delay deportation?  How absolutely disgusting that people who have zero clue about the

Hey guys, let’s start a program where we get the customers to pay for the shipping costs to send us materials that we can reuse and eventually sell back to them, for an obscene amount of money!

Fair enough!  See you in the volcano.

It’s BLUME. Who taught you how to spell so poorly?

I’m pretty sure the justification is that they are here illegally.

“Oh no. We’ll lose all those Raider fans,” said city officials, while unsuccessfully trying to keep from laughing.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

Why are non-adults being allowed to change their sex when they haven’t even fully matured?

OMG. I am SOOOO sex positive and you-do-you-y and nonjudgmental BUT THAT’S SO MANY PARTNERS OMG.

Yes it must suck to be willfully breaking the law and have to worry about getting caught . . . willfully breaking the law.


No, I do get to judge what SNAP people buy without judging what others buy because I am paying for the SNAP items. What you buy with your money is your business. What you buy with mine is my business. You may argue that SNAP recipients’ choices are limited or that the cheapest items are not the healthiest, but you

You don’t need mortgage insurance if you put down 20%, and that should be a goal to do before buying a house. 2007-2009 should have taught us not to owe over 80% on the house. That is one way so many people had a short sale to get out from under it.

I highly recommend the Durango Silverton trip.

“Each side has a different apparent visual weight, so the logo is “balanced” by eye…”

A very important discussion, you are dismissive of the legitimate due process issues at stake in these cases.

Well, when you say it like that, it sounds like this is a non-story just being used as propaganda to shift blame for losing the election away from Hillary and her completely inept campaign staff while simultaneously trying discredit Trump. I guess you could throw something about ratings and clicks in there as well.

So let me see if I understand this...

The U.S. allegedly exposed truth about Russian corruption, in response, the Russians allegedly exposed truth about US corruption.

Somehow knowing truth about corruption maybe possibly affected the outcome of the election, supposedly. So knowledge of truth made Trump win by