
It's already been confirmed in the new canon that Palpatine does send Thrawn out to explore the unknown regions of space, like he did in the old EU. This could potentially leave him open for a return if/when they think of a good way to use him.

I know it's not going to happen, I really do, but part of me really wants Snoke to be a feint for Thrawn. I think it would be better than just about any explanation they can come up with for who/what Snoke is in these next few films. Thrawn rallying and reforging the Empire in the Unknown Regions and creating a

Yeah, I got the distinct feeling that the spiders were originally meant to kill Thrawn and his Deathtroopers at the end, given Bendu's prophecy, but then they scrapped that ending because they want to use Thrawn again.

Well I hope that's not the case. He's a great character and I do look forward to more of him, but I'd rather they use him well and kill him off somewhere than have them fill in every second of his backstory with endless media and so on.

So I'm glad they didn't kill Thrawn. I was kind of worried they would. While I've enjoyed him on Rebels (and maybe he'll be back?) he's too valuable an EU character to be introduced and killed off in one season of an animated show. Hopefully Disney/Lucasfilk will find something interesting to do with him (and

Mauls last line was directed at Palpatine who he has expressed his hatred of before. It seems fitting in that it's a kind of recognition that Palpatine is the one who led him on a path of wasted life, and also that even at the end all he has is the idea of vengeance to console him.

Since the cats out of the bag it's probably not a spoiler at this point: the preview for next week's ep (or at least the preview they showed in Canada) confirm that Aubrey Plaza/the thing in David's head is Amahl Farouk - The Shadow King.

I'd like to see maybe, one attempt to follow up on and perfect BoTW. I think this was *almost* a perfect Zelda game, or at least almost MY idea of a perfect Zelda game, but there were a few things held it back. Mixing things up more between smaller shrine-type places and more traditional-style dungeons would be

If you watch the preview for next week's episode, they explicitly confirm it by name.

Bowie - Oh You Pretty Things. Not sure who's covering it. That song was long overdue to be used in an X-Men property though. I mean, the lyrics. "Gotta make way for the homo superior!"

I'm shocked and thrilled that they're confirming these X-Men connections. If you watched the preview for next week's episode, they were very explicit and I am so very, very excited.

It was so fantastic. It's peak Aubrey Plaza in the best way.

This has to be one of the greatest in-game trolls in video game history, right?

Week 7: Jughead Picks Up The Sexy Slack While Sexy Archie Rests, Sexily

Barry actually is the big bad though. They couldn't have drilled the point home harder in this episode, and they'd better not hold off on the reveal for much longer. "I AM THE FUTURE FLASH". He didn't even pause to insert a comma.

I'm curious what they're gonna do with Thrawn. He's such a popular character I find it difficult to believe they'd kill him off in one season. At the very least he'd make a better overarching big bad for the whole show going forward. But the show also seems to like to switch up antagonists every season, so it's

It's kind of hit and miss. When it's good, it's really good, but when it's not it's a real slog. Generally I'd say the quality is improving though, as it embraces elements of the Clone Wars show and further enmeshes itself in the Star Wars mythology.

There's precedent for it in the comics, certainly. The other option is that the Yellow-Eyed Devil is just a malevolent part of David's psyche, something for which there is much more precedent.

While he's certainly not in the clear yet, I feel like he's been a lot less of a dirtbag in the past year or so? Or maybe I'm just not up to date with my Bieber news…

Ok, so I read people suggesting it elsewhere and I wasn't really buying it, but I feel like this episode the Yellow-eyed Devil = Shadow King connections started to maybe manifest a bit more. Everyone referring to it as a parasite, David's hard-living quasi-imaginary friends, his dog named "King" etc. I still find it