
This was, in my opinion, one of the single worst episodes of the show. They stretched the teleporting/fast-traveling well past the limit. The dragon went down like a chump under bizarre circumstances. The choreography and the structure of that whole sequence just did not feel right to me. I don't want to be a

The white supremacists had riot gear and semi-automatic weapons. Maybe if people more than a small group of Leftist organizations bothered to show up to counter-protest, maybe if everyone who can agree with the simple premise that "Nazis are bad" showed up, then the Nazis would see their overwhelming numbers and

Uhh, I think what the Nazis *want* is to be able to march openly in the streets without repercussions. What they *don't* want is to have their faces smashed or otherwise face consequences for being Nazis.

Yeah I think it's easier for some people to believe that nazis are reasonable than for them to accept that this is not a problem we can simply solve by sitting at home and doing nothing.

Well you may be right and that's all well and good. My gripe is more with the sloppy handling of this character development. There's no reason for him to be acting this way practically overnight.

This characterization of Bran is extremely annoying. He spoke and communicated like a normal person right up until he passed the wall again and suddenly it's all cryptic creepy prophetic nonsense without any reasonably build up or explanation.

What is the point of a Teen Wolf continuation if I can't see the shirtless teen wolves?

Well, yes and no. I'm not calling for an excoriation, but it is right that he is called out and corrected. I'm not sure the burden is on minority groups to seek out context or intent when people say dumb stuff like that.

Yeah, I mean, fair. I'm not exactly going to stand by my position as I recognize it was kind of a bad one based on a gut feeling and not anything legitimate. I wish him the best, regardless.

I mean fine, but also maybe don't tell us how we should react to things?

Again, being somewhat impolitic here, I certainly don't begrudge him the happiness of a new relationship, but my instinct is to question why the need to rush into a marriage so quickly? But perhaps that's just the old-fashioned part of my superego talking.

There are shows I liked more overall, there are shows I will miss more, and shows that I will re-watch with greater frequency, but I don't know if any of them had the emotional impact on me that The Leftovers did.

Look, I've watched this show from the beginning, and it's great all around. Solid acting and character work, and it's a shame that it's been overlooked so often. However, I think I would be remiss if I did not note that from the initial marketing there seemed to be an implicit promise that we would see Nick Jonas'

A weird thing about film criticism is that sometimes people act like film is the only relevant incarnation of a genre or character type. Comics have been deconstructing, demythologizimg and reaffirming the superhero myth in various ways for decades now. Ultimately this is just more fodder for the films to draw on,

So, I know that the plots of these films are always kind of a convoluted mess, but Jesus this one really made no sense.

Am I the only one who thought it was relatively straightforward for Lynch? I mean, yes it assumes that you've watched all of the original series and that you remember it well, but provided that you have, it makes sense.

That opening scene made me wish that, 1) we could get an actual good film about Egyptian mythology and 2) that some network eventually gives Fuller a truckload of money to adapt Sandman properly.

Very important unanswered question: Slow and soft in the bed with Archie, or fast and hard in the kitchen with Jughead?

It also borrowed heavily from Lester Nygard's death in Fargo Season 1, which was neat.

The Varga speech was odd, yeah. Certainly well-delivered, and it resonates with with the current political climate, but it's unclear what it has to do with either the themes or characters of the show. Why does it scare Emmit, except in the most abstract sense? How is Varga a solution to the pending angry mobs?