
OH! Of course. I knew that. Totally forgot. Thank you!

I feel like I'm out of the loop on this. What other lesbian character death?

I see your point in that that's what the series has become. But it had a little bit more of a subversive edge in the early games (well, about as subversive as a AAA game can be, anyway) and I think it would be much more interesting if they returned to that.

One of the biggest problems with Assassin's Creed, story-wise is that as they've approached more contemporary periods and conflicts, Ubisoft has become increasingly unwilling to really place their stories within the historical context and among the historical figures that they use as their backdrops. They're likely

…Can it be both?

Gush this was dull. The Firestorm stuff in particular. Its unfortunate that they swapped out Robbie Amell. He wasn't particularly interesting either, but at least we (or rather anyone who's been watching Flash) had spent more time getting to know him, and he'd developed a better rapport with Victor Garber.

Yeah, when it's pronounced in the (as I understand it) more proper Arabic form with the rolled R and the softer sounds, I like it. But everyone on Arrow keeps saying "Roz" like Frasier's producer just showed up I'm not a fan.

I just want to clarify: Wormwood is supposed to sound like James Mason, right? It's not just me?

I'll grant that this was a good ep for Diggle, but geez, Goth Felicity yelling at Regular Felicity was so, so painful.

I'm both pleased and amused that Rebels is slowly morphing into Clone Wars 2 since it seems to have been intended to be a definitive break with that series in its conception. Slowly more and more characters and plot thread from Clone Wars are being picked up here, to the show's benefit. Seems like Disney really

Great, now please go explain this to my parents so they'll stop watching her.

As a gay dude, the scenery is *also* not bad either.

Am I the only one who kind of likes it? It's not an award contender by any means, but for a fantasy show on MTV in its first few eps it could be a lot worse. Seems to have some potential.

For some reason I read that as Soviet Screwdriver and now I kind of want to see what that would look like.

Is the enemy not going to be clickbait? Or some variation thereof? I've been waiting for them to make this connection. It seems like a natural outgrowth of their views on both ads and "PC" culture. (I don't agree with their views, so lets not go down that road…)

This season started out strong, and there's been some great moments, but by and large it's stretched what was two or three episodes worth of plot into a half season. Hopefully Negan will spice things up…


On the one hand, I kind of respect them taking their time, but on the other, doesn't it feel like they're stalling with the whole "Nate is gay" thing?

Christ, what an asshole.

I don't see how this confirms anything about the show's take on an afterlife. It's just as easily the combination of Kevin's subconscious mind and his dying/poison-addled brain working through it all. I thought this was more along the lines of one of Tony Soprano's dream episodes.