
Lucifer was cast down to be on Fox, starting January 25 at 8/6 Central.

Yeah, the Antonin Scalia bit is the first genuine laugh this show has gotten out of me in a long time. I'm glad Boone is back though? Besides the obvious reasons, I thought his character (and his relationship with Chad) was one of the best things about the pilot episodes.

*reclines dramatically on chaise* Alas.

He's back in Jurassic Park, he's on Mr. Robot, and now this. Truly, we are living in a Wongaissance.

Important question: does Pierre Perrier get naked this season?

I laughed way harder than I should have at the anarchist scene.

I mean, I can appreciate it in that context, sure. But I think it really upset a lot of the momentum of what was slowly being built up in the EU up to the point. There was just too much insane shit in Dark Empire. You see it mentioned very rarely and only if absolutely necessary in a lot of other old EU stuff.

Terrific? I thought the Dark Empire series was universally agreed to have been awful?

You don't think Snart is camp? I think he's like, two notches down from full-on Eartha Kitt. I'm not complaining though, I love it.

The penis sways freely in the open air, as it was meant to.

One the one hand, yes. On the other, they're usually the flaccid penises of random background extras and not the flaccid penises of attractive leads who the audience might actually want to see naked.

I veer hot and cold with this show, especially this season. The things going on in Jarden seem dangerously close to the empty mysterious nonsense that Lindelof and co. brought to Lost. But. This episode was fantastic.


Can someone send me a notification when Nick Jonas comes back?

lol. Good.

Agree that McDonough was certainly more interesting than Nable's Ra's but in a post-Slade world I'm a little bit wary of a Guy in A Suit villain. Not that he can't be good, but he's less…visually interesting? I guess? I dunno

I thought it was dreadful and if it weren't for the copious shots of Matt Bomer's behind, I would probably have turned it off. Of course I'll tune in next week for more Matt-butt…

I think it works in first installments when they have lots of origin story and character establishment to get through, but the underdevelopment of the villains really shows in sequels, which means it's only going to become a bigger problem as the MCU grows

It fits the change of scenery and all, and I do like it as its own standalone sequence, but in terms of artistry and mood-setting, I think the first season credits sequence was superior.

Am I the only one who's really tired of this particular cookie cutter Doctor Who episode? I mean, all of time and space and yet every season we get at least one or two episodes that follow this very same template. Vaguely Alien-ish setup, plop in Doctor and companion, threatening alien/ghost/monster is not as it