
This really is torture. It's too soon. I mean, if the show really does die for good, I'd be happy for Fuller to write out a 5,000 word essay about What Might Have Been, but right now the pain is still too raw, and the fact that there's a small chance it could return makes this unbearable

Mmmno, I mean that Liam's relationship with Hayden wasn't particularly well executed and ultimately not that believable. So when it comes time to betray Scott and go full-evil, it's equally unbelievable.

Y'know, a lot of this episode felt like it would have been really good if it had actually been earned. The Scott/Liam fight was really well done and it would have been great if a) they'd actually done the legwork to build up to it, and/or b) they'd actually had the courage to embrace its consequences

Yeah, I guess that's possible. He does have to at least try to make good on his promise to kill Alana at some point though. And I assumed that since she's now in charge of Baltimore State that she'd be his Chilton-esque "nemesis"

So…is Chilton still not dead? If he's not dead, am I the only one who thinks they may have been setting him up as a sort of secondary Mason in the long run? As soon as I wrote that it sounded unlikely but hey, it's an idea.

…Am I the only one who enjoyed The Leftovers? Well, maybe not "enjoyed" because it's the most depressing show I've ever seen, but I thought it was an interesting meditation on loss and death, etc. I do not, however, really want a second season. They wrapped it all up in a satisfactory way and now they're scrambling

Yeah, that's reasonable. But I was thinking mostly about the many male supporting players they've lost (Colton, Daniel Sharman, the twins, Keahu) and Alison. Plus those actors you've mentioned, it adds up to quite a lot.

The crystal clear glassiness of that close never ceases to amaze me.

Ha. There's a lot of things I'd love to ask Colton to his face, but I doubt his handlers would let him answer any of them.

I wish I knew! It's not just me though, right? The whole thing seems kind of odd. Still, it could just be bad luck

Hypothesis: the quality of Teen Wolf has declined in relative proportion to the amount of shirtless scenes in the show.

Good point about the werewolf story, as I've always felt Hannibal Lecter is very much a modern mundane (in the sense of not-supernatural) take on Dracula, or a vampire story. Perhaps no more so than in this show. It really wouldn't me much of a stretch to see Mads pull a cape over his face and hypnotize the cast

God, this is what's going to happen to Hannibal, I know it.

It's like they stole that line from everyone's mother, everywhere.

Oh, don't get me wrong. Deadwood was a fantastic show that was cancelled before its time. But the creators remained optimistic about the chances for a revival for a loooong time and nothing ever came of it until they were forced to admit that it just wasn't going to happen. Blah.

*sigh* This is so depressing. Hannibal's going to be the new Deadwood, I just know it. They're going to promise us movies to wrap it up and they'll keep promising until eventually it just sort of fades away and is forgotten by all but the most devoted fans :(

They look more like Kroenen from Hellboy. Cybermen too.

Most of the Ripley stuff is not in the novels, so it's likely an intentional homage from Fuller. Of course he blends it so seamlessly with the stuff that IS from the novels that it can be hard to tell the difference.

Right? I remember sort of half-assedly turning on the first episode thinking "Well, I hope this isn't totally shitty" and then, well, wow.

"Hannibal the Mannibal with a Plannibal" is presumably the title of a show-stopping number in the forthcoming Hannibal! The Musical?