Well now I kind of want to go to Wyoming
Well now I kind of want to go to Wyoming
“Chid listened to Megadeath, his contract should be terminated”
- This parent, I assume
This is beautiful
I’ve often thought this same thing. “To the man”
So good!
The Finnisher can play ball.
It’s this level of attention to detail that makes you a legend.
What’s it take to get a last-second Presidential pardon here?
I assume we’ll have similarly spectacular results in our “rhyming” as did the prequel trilogy.
This is a good sports baby
Fancy is a state of mind. Check out where that dog is resting. That is a dog who is fancy AF in his doggie mind.
I remember that guy
“If I had seen “Revenge of the Sith” in real time, in a theatre upon its release, in 2005, I think that, at the moment when Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), sizzling in the blue lightning that Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) reflects back at him, cries out to Anakin (Hayden Christensen), “Power! Unlimited Power!,” I…
“Lucas’s great achievement isn’t the conception of the “Star Wars” saga, the inauguration of the franchise, or his consignment of it to Disney for cloning ad infinitum. Those are for the movie books, for the pundits who reduce movies to such sociological oxymorons as “collective imagination,” the cultural…