
Pretty sure any moron can become a cop. Seriously, I am from small town USA and the dumbest kids in high school, that didn't completely get into drugs, became cops. Minorities hate cops, so why would they want to be one professionally. White idiots want to boss around minorities, so they fucking love being cops. Good

That was quite depressing yo

These are all very horrifying implications that point a damning finger right at Mario Mario.

The police arnt militarized? They have full automatic weapons, blast proof vehicles and drones. Meanwhile, the government is telling us that we arnt safe with hand guns...

excellent article PG. Police don't need to take the place of the National Guard. And the National Guard should be deployed to keep these trigger happy cops apart from the populace and press.

So if enough approved posters like me, maybe someday an admin will like me and I'll become real like the Velveteen Rabbit? Forgive me if I don't hold my breath. I'm probably ensuring it won't happen by complaining right now!

Yup, back to the bush leagues i go!

I tend to joke about a lot on the boards. Nothing too offensive that would get me banned/dismissed. But now I'm afraid my humor may keep me there.


Yeah. I get starred a lot, but Jezebel followed me once, until I noticed a semantical error in an article and pointed it out, and BOOM! Back to the greys for me.

And most people won't. Which means that anything that the folks at Jezebel don't already like won't be seen.

Dam...back to the grey I go... :(

It is like looting your own neighborhood and claiming it was a call for justice.

There's a reason they got rid of it in the past, genius. Because you're wrong and Tony is right.'s a Jezebel writer.

None of us are. It's ridiculous

Who are we kidding. you're never getting out of the gray anyways.

In other words, if you don't like something, nobody will ever see it. Great job. To kill offensive images from a few assholes, you will kill commentary from virtually everyone else.

How long until we can upload pictures again? Because I have pictures of my ratchi Henri Pablo that I want to post. For reasons.

Screw apologizing for this shit spreading to other parts of Gawker Media. You have to functionally be a moron to think this would not spread.