Feminism: achieving new breakthroughs every day in the scientific endeavors of twitter and GIFS.
You're right. This is a serious issue. She is wasting worktime reading Jezebel and blaming Gawker for the fact she might get fired.
Please don't perpetuate the stereotype that women are so fragile that being sent pictures by anonymous trolls would cause serious problems. There are women fighting in the military, female surgeons who see far more horrendous things up front daily. Whining about coming across pictures for a few seconds appeals to…
How about you do your job instead of reading websites at your place of employment?
Holy shit, someone else actually wrote this, but then you went and got it wrong at the end. Being a Houstonian, I agreed with every thing that Drew wrote, except for this PIECE OF SHIT, GOD DAMN, UNEDUCATED, IGNORANT, ASSHOLE-ISH comment. Ol' dick bag Drew here has no idea about Houston's food, which is, quite…
shut up dude
I liked that show better back when it was called MXC and was entertaining.
"Fittest Man/Woman in the World". Ha! Do you think that anyone at those Crossfit Games can sprint faster than a sprinter, jump higher than a high jumper, snatch more than an Olympic lifter (I was gonna say 'snatcher', but I just couldn't do it)?
"Crossfit is ideal for building cardiovascular endurance....or as I like to call it: the ability to lose gains."
CrossFit participants are the suicide bombers of the fitness world. Their zeal for all things CrossFit is overbearing and toxic. When someone tells me that they do CrossFit, I assume only bad things about them. Most of the time, my assumptions are accurate.
in SuburbanMalcontent's ass or on it? It does make a difference on the gay scale.
lol it took me way to long to get that one.
Q: Who was the first man to practice Cross-Fit?
All the triumphalism, however unearned, serves an important purpose: to distract people from the fact that CrossFit is simply branded exercise, done with other people. It's a fad sustained by people's belief that it's something special, something better than anything else on offer.
Are that many people really getting hurt bragging about doing CrossFit on Facebook?
"Why did defenders of CrossFit waste their furor on a minor point in an otherwise wholly complimentary study by respected scientists in a peer-reviewed study? Why did they wage war on Outside, a magazine not known for its hostility to fitness fads? "
Legend of Dragoon is NOT a classic. In fact, it's one of the worst games on the PSOne, and I can't wait for all of you who mistakingly thought it was good when you were like 10 years old to go back and see how fucking awful it is.