
If I was Squeenix I would also start all my promotional videos off with a reminder that they used to make good games.

Yeah, Minecraft is a shitty game that literally nobody likes.

Am I a meme?

Because if that version of the game obviously didn't work it wouldn't be distributed.

Oh look, it's the butthurt loser still pissed about the spanking I gave him in another thread!

I'm from Houston and you just punched me straight in the feels. :(

You don't have to be grateful that the long-promised "new Sailor Moon anime" is a rehash of the most boring version of the Dark Kingdom story complete with a poor art style and cheap-looking CGI, to boot. Some people don't understand this.

FFIX was the only FF that I beat in a rental and never bothered buying.

Ha! True.. Poor Mitsuishi Kotono sounds like she's in pain. They should have saved their money and just had Sawai Miyuu do the voice. Maybe they could have used the savings to animate decent transformation sequences instead of using shitty Korean CGI.

That's the thing. We waited 5 years after Stars to get... a live action reboot of the Dark Kingdom story. Now, we wait 10 years after the live action reboot of the Dark Kingdom story to get... an animated reboot of the Dark Kingdom story.

The reason the American release was a mess was because the American producers made it a mess trying to keep the Pat Robertson types off their ass by changing stupid things.

It's from Sailor Stars, right at the start of the Three Lights arc. 170-something

The manga was garbage. Complaining about a reboot of a legendary anime taking after a mediocre manga is legitimate.

It seems that Toei is doing just the bare minimum to finally shut up all the people who were clamoring for a Sailor Moon remake/reboot and will put the franchise to sleep after this new series bombs due to being mediocre and boring.

It didn't even make sense in that context, since her crying attack seemed to be in the process of destroying the enemy, anyways.

To be fair, Sailor Moon has always had to walk that tightrope. If it focuses just on the 8-year olds, it becomes Majokko Megu-chan. If it just focuses just on the 20-year olds, it becomes Cutey Honey. In fact, an argument could be made that successfully appealing to both of those demographics was the primary

Not to mention how the presentation has been completely Americanized in order to better appeal to international audiences. The whole production just seems to be an exercise in going through the motions and checking off all the boxes. This new series has no heart.

Yeah, someone will tell you that's because they're mimicking the manga's style, which is true since Takeuchi Naoko only knew how to draw characters with like 3 expressions.

Going off the manga rails was a good thing since the Manga was boring as hell and stupidly-derivative.

In Japan, they name baseball teams after corporations instead of cities, so maybe that's the hot new trend.