I think the fact that so many people so boldly speak out in favor of the CSA traitors, here in 2015, is Exhibit Fucking One for why their symbols shouldn’t be receiving tacit governmental approval.
I think the fact that so many people so boldly speak out in favor of the CSA traitors, here in 2015, is Exhibit Fucking One for why their symbols shouldn’t be receiving tacit governmental approval.
Stop taking my tax dollars and using them to build and maintain monuments to traitors.
Yup. Confirmed for imbecile.
That’s like saying that Hitler could have ended WWII by withdrawing from Poland.
Cry more, traitor.
The traitor states seceded before Lincoln’s inauguration, dumbass.
God, you’re stupid even for a neo-confederate.
Yeah, it wasn’t the most important reason. They just mentioned it a billion times for shits and giggles.
William Sherman nor his troops raped anybody and the only people they killed were soldiers fighting for an army of traitors. Read a book, hillbilly.
After a while they also start screeching like a pterodactyl getting a barbed wire enema.
Whatever it takes to turn the lights and moving sidewalks in Shinjuku back on again!
So you’re claiming that the founding documents of the Confederate States of America are all forgeries? Do you have evidence?
The only states that even bothered making excuses for their treason, you mean.
Damn straight.
- A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union.
Too bad General Sherman’s troops weren’t as easy to take down as those straw men, huh?
Why consider a proposition that nobody is proposing? Unlike the Confederacy, which had no Bill of Rights and therefore no First Amendment, I support your right to free speech, even if I disagree with that speech.
We were much harder on the Germans and the Japanese after WWII then the allies were on Germany after WWI. Neither have tried anything since. The myth that it was really our fault that Hitler tried to take over the world is a big bunch of bullshit.
Nobody is talking about “banning” your stupid traitor flag. We’re talking about removing it from the grounds of the seat of a state government.
One mention of taxes and it was in regards to slavery.