Everyone is a critic..
Everyone is a critic..
He’s put more on paper than anyone on the left, and most on the right.
I only go to Gizmodo when one of their articles are linked on Gawker, so my vote cancels out yours!
He hasn’t named one specific plan on how he will do the things he’s claiming to want to do. Eventually, I would hope voters would want more than promises and demand actual plans on how he will achieve his promises.
He’s such a tool that he’s even given himself an out for when he becomes President and “the wall” doesn’t get built. “I told Mexico to pay for it, but they wouldn’t!!”
Christie has never gotten anywhere near the top of the GOP clown car pack. I’d say he has far less of a chance of winning than Trump, though really were’s comparing .00000000002 to .00000000001.
hahaha @ your reading comprehension fail followed by calling me out for lack of reading comprehension!!
Why should I listen to you when you just admitted that you are a racist?
It’s nice to learn that you’re doing your research. Maybe you can mimic my prose so you don’t come off like such an illiterate idiot, next time!
Please. Your post was overwrought drivel. I was doing it and you a service by limiting my commentary to general ridicule.
The only thing worse than a wannabe Charlie Manson is a wannabe Charlie Manson with a severe case of diarrhea of the keyboard.
You’re absolutely right. However, pretending like he is completely innocent accompanied by statements like “Burn down the stores” is clearly promoting criminality as some sort of black cultural expression.
She kinda had to put that in there, since it turned out Mike Brown wasn’t an angel and yet the BLM movement still feels compelled to pretend like he was. Hedging your bets and all that.
She’s safe in Manhattan and she’ll blog all about it. Revolutions need both foot soldiers and leaders, dontchaknow!?
If they are shot while burning down the stores, we can use that shooting as more proof that the police hate black people!
Clearly, burning down the stores must take top priority in the fight for social justice.
I bet if the KKK were running around setting shit on fire in order to “draw attention to their cause”, the author of this article wouldn’t be so sympathetic.
Leaders of the BLM movement have apparently been bribed by the Clinton campaign to only go after her opponents while giving her a pass. In other words: Corruption. Corruption never changes.