
Get ready to hear all the righteous outrage about the “homophobia” in those scenes from the usual suspects!

But Dude, they’ve got the model half finished thanks to the DLC Cloud outfit they made for Lightning!

Don’t forget the AKB48 cameo/product placement!!!

It’s gonna be terribad. Combat will be action-based. All the scenes are going to be sanitized for international audiences. Everyone is going to look like they’re in a boy band. Tifa’s tits will be small. Aerith will have a shitty voice actress. It will be the disappointment of the century and Squeenix will be all like

Spoiler alert: It will suck just like the new Sailor Moon sucked. You can’t go home again.

Looks like Dubya has been tweeting again!

It’s Bethesda. It’s gonna have locking up and crashing. Quests will break constantly until a (probably paid mod) player patch is released. They’ve always made games like this and paid mods will give them financial incentive to be lazier than ever when it comes to fixing bugs.

There are a lot of child-like adults out there, so of course media industries should adapt to the behavior of consumers. That lots of people pirate doesn’t mean that they aren’t acting like spoiled children when they do it.

“Unless I get exactly what I want, when I want, I will pirate/steal” -Things a child says.

They did the same shit with cable. First it was: “Pay TV, but there’s no ads!” Later it was “Fuck you, pay for TV and you have to watch ads too!!”

We won 1812 just like we won Vietnam!