yawn... another woman who forgoes rational objectivity in favor of personal ideals
yawn... another woman who forgoes rational objectivity in favor of personal ideals
indie devs.... not big corporate gaming....and again your only 20 percent of the game industry. Female gaming is not a bad thing but let is not all change facts. Just scroll through twitch.
ya because everything anita has said is perfectly true oh wait.... at least sommers can provide factual evidence in her claims instead of cherry picking scenarios taking them out of context or creating ridiculous object-subject dichotomy that in the end works both ways discrediting her very argument.
so the ESA,CGA,and The Nielsen Company reports are all lies then right? sorry im gonna listen to facts not rhetoric if that constitutes as throwing a tantrum well then im throwing one helluva fit
What? Go onto TWITCH.com and tell me how many streamers are male and how many are female. If I'm being generous it's 20% female streamers. That's the reality of gaming demographics. I'm not saying their aren't women playing core game titles but it is less than men by a large margin.
Women are only half of the gaming community if you count women who play nothing but facebook games or cell phone games for more than 2 hours a week. The hardcore gaming community, that most of this is directed at, is predominantly male. The website below is extremely thorough with several sources for most statistics…
I don't know. You seem pretty touchy to me.
Actually, she wasn't famous at all. Her Kickstarter got funded over the intense criticism thrown her way for trying to make her video series. That is what got her that initial burst of serious attention that led to her Kickstarter getting funded, and all the subsequent nonsense she's been parroting ad nauseum truly…
you are downright denying factual empirical data your arguments are based on emotion not logic so have a good day you silly fool. come back when you have something other than a straw man to talk about.
see but yall aren't half of the community and that pisses yall off. there isn't some perfect 50/50 balance between male and female games/developers that can be achieved simply because there are currently more men then woman in the gaming community, thus more bro team games are produced because it sells more. that…
I have no categorical problem with feminist critique in video games, but the majority of what I've heard just hasn't been very compelling. I'd actually love to hear something that's a little more mentally challenging if you have any suggestions.
Nice strawman. Sarkeesian comes across more like Tipper Gore during the Parental Advisory movement, claiming that depictions in art influence real-world behavior, despite no hard evidence to back it up.
And evolution is just a theory ;)
And yet the numbers and facts prove otherwise.
Actually the whole "games are art" thing was pushed by journalist and reviewers who yearned to be taken "seriously". The gamers were too busy gaming.
So, you just responded to a link that years down your argument with the exact argument that was just proven factually wrong. That's kind of a poor tactic. Gaming isn't a monolithic culture and just because a group of women play Facebook games doesn't mean that they represent the hammer statistics that Sarkeesian is…
Her evidence and conclusions are often contradictory and based off extremely poorly read and illogically interpreted material which have been torn down by actual academics (see Christina Hoff Sommers tear Sarkeesian down in ten minutes with sheer facts alone) and any developer that wants there to be good publicity…
She had been called out so many times for cherry picking, lying and twisting facts that to even consider her a member of academia is funny.
Exactly, if those idiots had all just shut their stupid mouths in the first place, she'd still be pitching her ideas to a very small group of feminist academics. The only thing the trolls have done is give her a platform far wider than the validity of her arguments, great job dipshits.
One of the worst things to come out of gamergate is that it gave her validity in the eyes of those that don't know better. Apart from the obviously vile attacks and threats, it's the single worst thing to come out of this whole debacle. Her arguments and conclusions are so flimsy that she could have been argued into…