
Too bad civilians, many with ties to the arms industry, make the call on equipment purchases and not officers and soldiers.

I call it corporate karma. Go scammers! boo Walmart!!

This whole article downplays the sort of precision strike necessary to completely "disable" your opponent with a groin shot. I reckon this article will probably get a lot of women sent to the hospital when they decide to test out the sweet martial arts tip they learned on Gawker.

Cool. Just ran a few searches and looks like there's some neat possibilities.

There's not even the option to run it on your own server.

Only limited by how much virtual "land" you pay rent on!

Forget jail time. Execution is the only appropriate punishment for this outrage!

So what? If we could just teleport to wherever we wanted to be, GPS would be dumb and obsolete too. The fact is right here, right now, GPS is not a good solution sometimes. Having cabbies in London memorize maps and take a really hard test seems to be an OK solution, for now.

In cities with narrow and/or dense streets (not any city in America), GPS can be misleading and/or useless. GPS is garbage in Tokyo and it's probably worse in London due to additional fuzzy hat and giant clock interference.

Bit of a diff between "could listen" and "specifically designed to listen", tho.

It's always listening for its name. It's always on and connected to the internet. Paranoia would be appropriate.

That sucks, because I thought it was a huge selling point that you got to pick the wakeup word ("name" your gizmo).

What? Why are we supposed to hate Amazon?

I guess they're desperate to try and keep their Christmas bonuses after Biddle started a nerd riot and they lost all their advertisers!

They call it "piracy", but honestly, pillaging and plundering on the high seas with a peg leg and a parrot is way more badass then typing "taylor swift 1989 torrent" into Google and clicking the first link. :(

Imma let you finish, but Google is the best piracy search engine ever! The best ever!!

What CD was it that you bought in 2006?

Not worth the trouble.. Think of opportunity costs - you could be using that bandwidth to pirate something good!

The only logical conclusion you can reach here is that Twitch is sexist! Also, Day Z is sexist or else more women would play it. Case closed!

I can't stop looking at this crazy pizza-shaped spy ship!