I don’t know about anyone but myself, but I play the game to find certain pokemon, because you know we all have our favorites.
I don’t know about anyone but myself, but I play the game to find certain pokemon, because you know we all have our favorites.
A lot of people who say that the trailer “over-promised” probably don’t know that the alpha version had actual distances, instead of “footprints”.
At least the Japanese had the sense to recognize that game as garbage on day-1. No trading? No 1v1 battles? At it’s core, it’s stripped-down Ingress with flash mobs.
Standing in a mob around a lured pokestop is clearly the intended gameplay style, which is pretty lame.
Found the Niantic burner.
ITT: People commenting on an article that they haven’t read.
Only because they censor the really LULzy names.
Instead of the draft, I wonder what the politicians and voting public would think about a national service program, similar to the various countries around the world?
The only thing that can bring Patricia Hernandez to orgasm is clicks on her shitty gender-bait blog articles.
It’s hard to preach in favor of international law when you just came out of a decade of illegal invasions and secret torture camps which may or may not still be in operation.
This one gets it. Too bad 99% of the people reading this comment thread are only here to participate in the bullshit identity political wars that the ruling class have been spending the last 3 decades setting off.
You forgot the *tips fedora* at the end!
Any time is a good time for the hot takes perspective of sheltered white American women!
Wendy Davis of TX would be great.
Congrats on finding a gamergate angle. Here, have 8000 starz.
Huniepop was banned for the same reason Hatred was banned. Because the devs kept clowning on Anita and her feminist gurl gamer pals.
If you’re a nobody streamer, they’ll just arbitrarily ban you without giving it a second thought.
Because, no matter how “progressive” most Americans pretend to be, they still are extremely puritan when it comes to sex.
Counterpoint: This woman obviously thinks nobody can tell her what to do, which is, just as obviously, not the case.