Pedestrians in New Orlenas have a tendency to WALK in the middle of the street. If you honk at them, they get enraged. I had to pepper spray a woman once who straight up attacked my car after I beeped at her.
Pedestrians in New Orlenas have a tendency to WALK in the middle of the street. If you honk at them, they get enraged. I had to pepper spray a woman once who straight up attacked my car after I beeped at her.
Well done. Enjoy your starzzzzz
This was a clearcut case of failure to respek muh authoritay.
This thread is the perfect embodiment of everything that is bonkers about Jezebel and most of its readers.
Simple narratives are the only narratives on offer here at Kotaku!
Yeah, the Iranians sure did bleed a lot just to wind up with a repressive theocracy. Yay freedom!!
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the walking?
pics are on encyclopedia dramatica if you’re into 30-year old american chicks cosplaying as 14-year old japanese schoolgirls
The ‘censorship in games’ nonsense is a strawman created by Rapp and her allies to draw attention from the real reason she was fired, which was very obviously because of her problematic tweets on child porn and pedophilia.
They also drank scotch at work!
I googled “jpeay” and “tomato” and got nothing! What the hell is going on here????
I am Anamolous and let me tell you, I like to get drunk and talk shiiiiiiit on the interwebs!!!
Turn off windows update and it’ll stop nagging you.
Heh, I had an ipad that bricked itself while auto-downloading an update. Guy at the Apple Store swapped it out telling me that it “happens all the time”.
I suppose I shouldn’t have expected honesty from a Twitch tit streamer.
I agree with your post 100%.
Lies. Gender is an artificial construct imposed by the Patriarchy. Check your cis privilege, shitlord!
She got subs by showing her tits, making her a feminist hero.
I’m not blaming this just on males. Female viewers contribute to this too.