
And for women, it might make them think twice about streaming because they’re worried about being objectified, or worried that they’re ‘not pretty enough’ or something else that has nothing to do with them playing games.

She has like 10k subs on Youtube. She’s a complete nobody.

Bring back the real name taboo and this problem solves itself.

Some people dig softcore.

If Twitch banned tit-streaming, they’d end up banning 99 out of 100 “gamer girls” using their service.

Then the avatar is working as intended!

Seriously. Feminism really needs to go away.

But, but.. There’s a stickfigure comic that says the complete opposite of what you just said!!

I dont think that was specifically your goal but its definitely the tone of the article.

Some people are still disagreeing with Anita Sarkeesian and disagreement is harassment therefore Anita Sarkeesian is forced to endure constant harassment!!

Gawker just can’t let it go because they tried to take the nerds on and it cost them tens millions of dollars and half their advertisers.

You’re not insensitive. In fact, you’re now the new Voice of Our Generation. Congrats.

Quit trying to make “Drumpf” happen. “Drumpf” isn’t happening.

Remember when campaigns took occasional breaks from bullshit identity politics and discussed the issues?

Knowing that the game was a short experience, he should have just waited for a sale.

Minus the “well-meaning” part.

If this is satire, it’s funny as hell.

Holy cow, that’s way too much text to fit in a tweet. Can’t you distill that down to a hashtag or something!?

They seem hell-bent on tricking everyone across the Gawker network into clicking on their dumb hair and makeup vertical.

Being willing to call BS on the leftists who think the whole Bush administration should be hauled in for war crimes