
Believe it or not, that has happened to me twice. In both cases said Important Person was a total asshole and had nowhere to go when I said, "no, not really."

Kara, maybe its because I consider you the RBG of Shade Court, but holy shit I could not love you more.

Yeah, any sort of special instructions are a crapshoot at McDonalds even with a simple order, I tend to get what I ordered only around two thirds of the time.

Superior hearing complements his musical skills and superior touch helps him play his instruments. Yep. A lot of ways we can test this.

You don't know what faith means if you believe that statement. Or the scientific method.

both evolution and creationism requires faith

By making these arguments Schilling is proving his lack of faith. Faith is belief in the absence of evidence. He is arguing against evolution, but its truth should have no impact on his FAITH. His Twitter fit is a crisis of faith.

Evolving Species? Probably Not

It's actually trademarks, not copyrights, that work that way. But, yes, the story here amounts to "Warner's intellectual property lawyers do their jobs."

So true. I wish I could get out of trouble for bribery by bribing the court and then getting them to willingly give me back my money too. That's some nifty black magic right there.

This wins 8 internets.


I gave it a shot

Isn't Kate Mara gorgeous? I covet her hair color.

Seventh Heaven had the Walker Texas Ranger effect for me- it was just so fun to make fun of it, that I ended up watching regularly.

I knew I was going to regret clicking, and yet did so anyway.

When I told my other globetrotter friends that I didn't intend to take sleeping pills on any of my upcoming red-eye flights, they looked at me like I was crazy. "You have to sleep! You won't be rested if you don't get some help!"

2k moving out (and buying a bed and fridge), 2k on a year of counseling and meds to get over his abusive ass, some 3.5k on a down payment for the apartment we were getting together (I live here now and am glad I went for it). This happened over two years ago, and I'm still paying off the bills. I was 23 and making so

I liked Midnight in Paris and I hate Woody Allen movies