If one was to download this torrent, how would it watch? Theoretically speaking, of course.
If one was to download this torrent, how would it watch? Theoretically speaking, of course.
Wait, how did the guy got the pig inside of Walmart to start it? Guy walks in with a pig and they just let him? I don’t let people enter even with dogs inside my store, WTF.
Do you really would risk pissing off the people holding a cup of pee?
As a catholic I actually clicked on the article because I thought it was an article about some parody game about how anal sex is not sex, like that music by Garfunkel and Oates.
Agree!!! fanfiction wins every time!
What is TW? I seen before but can't make sense of it.
Oh my cat in the ceiling I never loved my kindle more. Crack in its most pure form!
Ok, where is my Death Note? I have a blank space to fill.
Didn't realized that the manga was so behind, Oh well, then is better waiting then having some filler season.
A live action movie of Attack on titan is truly awesome, but you know what would be even more awesome, like a thousand titans awesome? A new season of the Anime!!! When I getting a new one?????
Good thing I don't eat fish.
No thank you, I prefer not to know. Same reason for why I will never see what really goes in a hot dog.
I have this vivid childhood memory of being in a birthday party and the birthday girl caught a pigeon, then there was lice running trough her arm from the bird. Yeah, I am not eating pigeons.
Did he call his cell "portable mobile"?
Show our boyfriend a video of how hot dogs are made. He won't be making fun of you again.
Critical thinking and sheltering. The parents were probably way too busy protecting their daughters from real world news and at the same time not monitoring their social media exposure.
I am in Brazil, do not like coffee all that much and only drink a little of alcoholic drinks. And I still know that Irish coffee is alcoholic.
If I perceive something inside my mouth with the wrong texture, like a piece of onion or tomato I have to spit right away or I will trow up. But I can eat tomato sauce without problem, as long it doesn't have pieces on it.