
You answered your own question, because it is cheap and improvised. If you were a slave having to build furniture for the new pet project of your "supreme leader" would you do your best?

Heart disease but they will say it was an assassin.

I was thinking "what is wrong with the texture of this?" It is not the fact that still under construction, and then it dawned on me. It looks like a sand sculpture.

Didn't understand that reference either.

I guess that if you can get gonorrhea in your throat by doing unprotected oral sex, then you can get it on your eye by getting a facial or being the center of a bukkake scene.

Obviously that Nationwide doesn't want women to breastfeed, because that leads to more healthy babies and less dead ones. Nationwide won't stop until the last child on this Universe is dead!!!

Brazil here, and I getting more and more depressed as the day of the Olympics here arrive, the World Cup was already a disaster. At this point they should just do this shit in the same place ever four years. But now sorry can't do because dumb governments will even bribe the organizers for the right to do their

Do your cats look like this


I wonder how many of these stories on BCO overlaps to be about the same person doing shitty dumb things in more then one restaurant.

That is more funny then have any right of being.

Potatoes!!! ;)

As someone that has never met her biological father, the only thing I would want to do to him is putting a pen trough his eyes. Seriously girl, this guy doesn't care about you if he did he would had moved heaven and hell to see you growing up.

As someone that is not from USA I will probably never understand this concept of sororities . Why do people even want to join? To have someone to tell everything that you are doing wrong with your life? To rule it now that you are away from you parents? Is it that hard to find someone to get drunk with it?

Giant ships from China and Japan you say?

Got him too!

I have no problem with the guy paying whatever for his fish. What I would like to see on this article is a video of the surgery!!! How does one operate on a goldfish?????? Do you take form the water and operate really fast? Do you operate in the water? How do you give anesthesia?

Not knowing much about her, beyond maybe a cartoon series based on her early life, I always thought that she was murdered when she still young.

Were there hobbits too? We just never saw them, but that doesn't mean they weren't there.

I want to trow myself on that table