Is like when I holding a cup of water while looking at a soda bottle, if I am distracted enough when I drink the water it wont taste like soda, of course, but I wont identify as water either.
Is like when I holding a cup of water while looking at a soda bottle, if I am distracted enough when I drink the water it wont taste like soda, of course, but I wont identify as water either.
@TemporalSword: +1
So now we put Criss Angel inside but forget to tell him that the fishes are piranhas.
@FrankN.Stein: Oh no! no amount of neurological damage caused by mercury can be responsible for that make up.
Even if I think that Deadpool should be R rated, there is something that I need to say to Liefield.
these ibises are going mad as a hatter.
In the fifth movie Elizabeth Swann will become an unstoppable ninja-pirate combination. In the sixth she will ascend to heaven on a cloud of golden light and start dueling with angels.
@John David Talley: they are making the 4th yet
@fmhypo: Yes, but Black Panther would have make sense in F4 3, not on a reboot. Much more sense for them to use Doom again.
Djimon Hounsou did the voice of Black Panther in a short-lived animated series, and he was in line to play the part if there'd been a third Fantastic Four movie
last week I solved the cube for the first time ever!
@Honu Harry: +1
@Krakenstein: Tobey Macguire on a live action Macross? Noooooo! tell me that is not true!
People can be so stupid.
@lightninglouie: Oh god! oh man!
Not to get in the merits of the first movie, as I didn't watch enough of it to have an opinion, but I hate sequels that start by killing everybody from the first movie.
Life on mars to feed my John Simm obsession and Batman beyond to make company to the return of the joker that I already have
@rob_p: well, he was born on Scotland. Although Wikipedia does says that he has British/American Nationality.
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