
@Death_By_SnuSnu: Isn't Fox already taking care that will be done? But not finished, of course.

@shellandflame: I claim that this show never existed, the universe broke apart upon creation of this. And we all got into the half where this never happened.

@brewsterbeat: Lost Girl is amazing, the typical show that you go watch thinking nothing of it and gets you hooked .

@collex: "Giles for your mom or your dads."

At most they are going to say that there is some molecules on Titan that could lead to existence of life.

@Spaceknight: the fact that fanfic is probably better?

@jjjules: I miss Veronica too!

I don't see the status quo changing anytime soon, the current tendency is more Bellas then Buffys.

@Kogo: Brilliant!

I am truly afraid that if I watch Transformers in 3D my head will explode.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: It's a great poster, don't mind my whining, if it was to include Will Smith he would need a poster just for himself. And on the spirit of Armageddon almost doing it the list is just that "I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing" (bad, I know)

I not seeing Will smith on it. shouldn't he be there representing all the disasters he's been on it?

aerodynamic? right. That is what the wizards want us to believe.

People deep-fry an entire turkey? for real? I am scared of the thought, but I so would eat that.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): Yeah, me too. I find the story too adorable and dear to me to find a way to disconnect and enjoy this.