

FRASIER is, for me, one of the few sitcoms to really capitalize on their own premises and milk them brilliantly. The first that comes to mind for me is the window into the hallway at the radio station, allowing for an entirely different comedic "voice" in the background along with whatever was happening with Frasier


But ladies, seriously: Please don't.

Yep. And for anybody who hasn't seen it, that documentary I linked to is from 2007, directed by a MacArthur Genius Grant winner for PBS, and out of all the terrifying documentaries out there (I'm thinking of the absolutely genius feats of filmmaking that are THE ACT OF KILLING/THE LOOK OF SILENCE, and OJ: MADE IN

When that video of the woman came out saying she was OK, she was there of her own volition, she was having a great time, etc etc, this is what I immediately thought of:


I once saw an awful Bang Bros (or some facsimile thereof) video about a woman who supposedly had 3 titties, like TOTAL RECALL.

Heh, "close".

Maybe, but keep in mind that was the exact logic behind the cameras in the courtroom during the OJ trial, so it can lead to disaster.

Apples wanna lick
Oranges wanna love
I don't even want
None of the above
I wanna suck yo tattoo

You get what you pay (top dollar) for.

Damn, that's true too! Holy shit. Just a great time for movies all-around.

It was in the Reign of Disqus
that the aforesaid commenters lived and quarrelled;
good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor,
they are all under the abominable yoke of Kinja now

I know I'm cheating, but there's about 1.5 years' worth of film within 2006-2007 that, for me, is the best "year" for film I know of. Even more than 1999 or 1939. And it happened just at the time in my life when I really started to get into filmmaking and care about the artform, so I was seeing movies at the theater

As one of those assholes who can't shut up about how much they seriously despise Snyder's aesthetic (it really is like a visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard for me, it runs that deep and has done so since suffering through 300), I always wondered why DAWN OF THE DEAD was the least infuriating and grating of

Look, I'm a simple man. And while I'm not sure what the issue or the question is, I'm pretty sure the answer is "more Kate Bush".

That's a god damn deal! Find me later. I'll be standing in the back smoking a cigarette when the Kinjapocalypse reckons!

Ha! I wish.

That's a good point, didn't think about that. There is the directionality of trolling as well as the methodology of it.