
…Revenga th' Kinja?

Cool, thank you for the info!

So, honest question: I have never used Kinja and like everyone else I'll be sad after tomorrow. I have no idea if I'm gonna use Kinja or not (probably not), but if I do, has AVClub released any info on how to go about reserving a Kinja account through my Disqus account, or however they're doing this? I read the other

It's easy to avoid addressing cognitive dissonance when your ideological belief structure is flexible enough to accommodate all the things so long as those things accord with your moods/preferences.

Folks tend to forget that the most primal emotions and expressions in Lynch's work are just that: Simple but profound expressions of something ineffable that we all share (or perhaps, should share: true Evil wears a blank face when it is not openly caricaturing real emotions). It's why even the act of eating pie and

Ditto, especially considering that play on names sounds like a very Lynch and Frost thing to do, and the WIZARD OF OZ connection is definitely Lynchian.

If I ever have kids, I wonder if Mark Frost would let me hire him to come up with their names.

You just died last night, you can do whatever the fuck you want now.

Haha, holy shit! That does sound brutal. Yeah, sometimes easy, breezy, and more happy or redemptive works are a good thing to read in those times of one's life :-D.

I have an great story about how I read HOUSE OF LEAVES the first time that always convinces friends - albeit friends who might already be slightly predisposed to enjoy such kinds of fiction - to try it.

I like Morrissey, but get sick of him very, very quickly when I go into a "phase" of listening to him again. I got into The Cure as a high schooler before I got into Morrissey, and I think that biased me because I adored The Cure's version of "post-punk" more than The Smiths/Morrissey's.

Oooh rabid Robert Ashley fan here. Guy is fucking criminally underknown. PERFECT LIVES is a masterpiece, and I adore his NOW ELEANOR'S IDEA quadrilogy like few other works. Simultaneously took Opera at its most foundational, traditional nature and in so doing, took the form to its most progressive, logical conclusions.

Had the same reaction. I actively straight-up despised IRON FIST on a molecular level; I've never seen any standard superhero movie/show where I actually hoped the hero would be brutally murdered, but Scott Buck has a Tyler Perry-esque genius for making you hate characters you're supposed to like.

Nah, like punkers. You know, the people who punk.

A lot.

It was a false flag!

That's a top 5-er quote for me in the entire Wet Hot saga. One of the hardest laughs I've had all year.

Heh, nope!, no they were not! But it is worth understanding (which is what those two texts really cemented for me) that - regardless of where they succeeded or failed, or where they helped or hindered the growth of the country and the health of its citizens - in the debates leading up to ratification, every. fucking.

I resisted the temptation to block for a long time but about 4 months ago I broke and had to start doing so as well.

The current GOP is not conservative. I wish it was! Supporting their agenda is irresponsible to a degree that is nearly unprecedented in American history, and you have to, HAVE TO call them on it. This is not a normal situation, the GOP and its supporters are not what they once were. Resisting them is an act of