
The author-ah! has broken the Vow of Silence-ah! and needs to be Shamed-ah! severely-ah!!

I see a tenuous connection, but if someone wants to blame Tom Green as part of normalizing the virulence of modern internet troll behavior, then why not also blame Stephen Colbert's COLBERT REPORT as well? (Not saying anybody should, it's just to illustrate how kinda ridiculous this article is.) Part of the modus

I do believe it is "The Struggle Within", not "The Battle Within".

Shhh… fucking James Franco might be listening, don't give him any ideas.

If Criterion actually did that, it would be one of the greatest expert trolls in pop culture history. Now I need them to do this.

Would she realistically have enough money to move out, though. Possibly through Leland's will, but even then, where would she go? what would she do? That's part of the tragedy of such communities. I might be an easy mark for such profound sadness, though; very few things hit me in the gut harder than profoundly lonely

Those guys are gonna have so much herkin' jerkin' spankbank material for the next 10 years after this trial.

I feel the same way. I'm 32 and I have a strange feeling about my own perspective: On the one hand, I relate more to Gen X in my interests and (IMHO, technophiles chill) the fact that I grew up without internet or a computer (at least its current pervasiveness). Human psychological diversity being what it is, I think

"Maid Marion…"

My personal favorite is Bobby Darin's "Clementine". Sweet Jesus.

Yeah, the show has long acknowledged the disconnect between what the characters think and what the audience thinks re: James's coolness.

I feel where you're coming from, but can't agree. Laura's funeral scene and Bobby's freakout would not have worked at all (and I love Bobby in that scene, so much) without Ashbrook performing as Bobby. It's easy to miss how well he does at deconstructing and reconstructing a "type" like Bobby at the exact same time,

Wow, that is awesome! Never knew that. Guess I should say lyrics from the 30s-50s were batshit insane…

…incredible user name/comment synergy there.

I always like how lyrics like that - which hearken back (like MULHOLLAND DRIVE's 50s performances) to 50 singers etc - are fucking disturbing when you really listen to them. Even if I adore the songs themselves, as well.


I really like Radiohead. But I don't love them.

I was thinking the exact same thing watching 10 YEARS LATER, she's excellent in everything I've seen her in, not to mention she's drop dead gorgeous. She was in the ill-fated QUEEN OF THE DAMNED movie a few years after WET HOT, maybe one of those guilt-by-association things that Hollywood likes to do with good actors

And Marvel, aside from later missteps, began learning their lesson pretty damn quickly after IRON MAN 2. Even the specific parts of their movies that are failures, since AVENGERS, strike me as still earnest attempts toward figuring out how to do what they are doing. I'm biased, but that gives me even more leeway to

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