
The greatest erotic thriller ever made.

Mary Harron is a badass and the fact that she doesn't have a bigger career is criminal. (Her first name should be a big hint why. Also "Her".)

Did the singer take his shirt off? To make it better?

$50, you cheap bastard.

That shit is gonna be GOLD. All hail Quetzalcoatl!!!

How…old is your niece? You know where IT goes, right?

Plus we all know Gaga has a soft spot for a Bad Romance.

You should use that piss take you just did and give some to Trump to make that photo relevant.

No need to be racist.

That shit is jammin'. If you play it backwards, it says "get the gun, get the gun, shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!".

Having never heard their music until now, I can honestly say that I give being molested by the sounds of Priest a 6.9.

What's weird to me is Jaume has the exact same facial structure as M. Night Shyamalan.

Heh, in my experience, anybody who describes themselves as a "cinema enthusiast", or god forbid "film buff", typically has a SCARFACE, GOODFELLAS, and FIGHT CLUB poster in their room. So that's more their speed.

Yeah, but…

All I know is that whatever it's called would easily be the name of a late 90s WWF pay-per-view.

Very cool article, thanks for drawing my attention to it. It definitely has a great point. And also gives the Peterson case a shout-out; at least in my experience, THE STAIRCASE doesn't get the credit it deserves for helping kick off the recent obsession with long-form true crime docs like THE JINX and MAKING A

I don't. He was convinced by God damn child killing Henry Fonda, after all. Sad!

Damn right! That's why they call you MISTER Foreman HammerButt.

Yeah I'm'nna need for some enterprising filmmaker to remake this as 12 ANGRY WOMEN, GHOSTBUSTERS-style, just to piss off the MRA.PUA.MGTOW.AMOG.AFC+ types (or whatever other acronyms These People wanna add, pssh).

I still cannot make up my mind what I think about Arcade Fire. I was never a big "indie" guy, which meant that a lot of the bands/scenes from the mid to late 00s (which was my heyday for getting super into discovering new music) kinda left me cold. AF is a band that I alternate between adoring, and finding boring, on