
You gotta grab 'em by the divorce!

Wow! I didn't know that. It definitely makes sense.

Ditto. BLOOD MERIDIAN is astonishing, and some of his earlier works (I love me some CHILD OF GOD; I really like THE ROAD) are awesome, but NO COUNTRY read, well, like an elongated screenplay to me. I'd seen the movie a few years before reading it, and while I completely understood why it was tailor-made for cinema, I

It's cuz I've been killing them en masse. I can't afford to store all those hookers! Derrrrrrr *cue wacky noises while I gesticulate wildly*

The writing of CIVIL WAR's end should be a blueprint for how superhero films need to get past the soulless, nameless-hordes, CGI-fest final battle that plagues these movies. I can understand the last few years of MCU's films not connecting with some viewers (that stuff, at least, is largely subjective, I totally get

Totally. Being able to pull off "acting like you're acting" is hard as hell and often a thankless gig, and Dana was doing that very well in his early 20s.

So agreed. Dana gets some shit for his performance on the original series, but I think he's really good. He plays a couple of different standard archetypes at once, and while he had his own immense sins in his relationship with Laura, once we get an idea (e.g., Bobby and Dr. Jacoby's scene) of how Laura's truly

I think "neither of them dying" is about the most realistic wish to make with Lynch, haha. That diner scene with the 3 Briggs is one of the most emotionally layered scenes Lynch has ever done, capitalizing in all the right ways on the immense history we have with these characters.

As they say 'round these here parts, it can be two things.

To be fair, what the hell else was Jezebel gonna write about that week?

Did you teach 'em a lesson?

Get a load o' this hot take!

A diversion.

It won't, unfortunately, nor will it be as erotically satisfying.

Possibly, but I also heard that Pepper gives an uncut 2 hour "Inconvenient Truth"-style lecture directly into the camera about the evils of toxins in our bodies and how she successfully purged them using a new scientifically-proven homeopathic formula or whatever inane dangerous horseshit that idiot believes now.

The end of CIVIL WAR is probably the most truly unique and narratively satisfying ending the MCU has, dude. You should watch it.

What I wouldn't give for a Von Trier MCU movie. It would be amazing. People would cry.

After Log Lady's appearance in the first 2 episodes, she didn't appear again until episode 10. Before 10, I assumed that the first 2 episodes would be her only footage, so every time she's appeared since then has been a lovely, touching blessing.

…which isn't that far from the truth in reality.

We still have plenty of show left! Let's make that shit happen. (I generally can't stand Jim Belushi, on principle. Although Lynch uses him brilliantly in THE RETURN.)