
My obsession with the OJ Simpson trial last year was downright pathological (like, honestly, it kinda was), and given how AMERICAN CRIME STORY and MADE IN AMERICA put OJ back into public consciousness…


Ah that's a bummer, but I suppose if there's any distribution company that should receive the benefit of the doubt, it's Criterion. The fact that they have survived and thrived putting out classic and avant-garde films is incredible, but they gotta make money somehow.

Really? Maybe I thought they did more such releases than I though. My Complete Jacques Tati Collection is one of those "save from a burning building" possessions for me, it's astonishingly great.

Hooooly shit, that is commitment!

Unfortunately, if they're German, then they would be Künti Küntastic Künt, which I figured was more offensive than even I wanted to be…

I say this as somebody who smokes pot once every couple of years or so:

Best ASMR I've ever heard in my life.

I enjoyed season 6 way more than I should have, but it did teach me one thing: By far my favorite episode was episode 3 (the one with OJ Simpson fuckin railing Lada Gaga in the woods), it is one of my favorite directed episodes of the series. And it was directed by Jennifer Lynch, i.e., David Lynch's daughter and

At my last family cook-out/get-together, my notoriously picky niece (and of course her brother, my nephew, is the exact opposite) started shouting "I LOVE STEAK!!!" once we told her what the meat was. Apparently she will start shouting this every once in a while, still, and it's been about a month.

Yeah, the general point/thesis/whatever of Barker's article is fine. I disagree with it, but his general concerns are valid. And hidden in the basic DNA of this article is a worthwhile discussion about American diets and the astonishing unhealthiness of so many kids and the shit their parents feed them.

Like others said, this all strongly suggests we're gonna get most or all of Lynch's body of work through Criterion over the next few years. Keep in mind they're also publishing that documentary about Lynch, THE ART LIFE, as a stand-alone spine # for them. (And it's good enough, but I definitely think it deserves to be

I'm hoping the Criterion releases of Lynch portend both LOST HIGHWAY and INLAND EMPIRE releases. There is so much bonus/supplemental footage shot for the latter, along with interviews and such, it's ridiculous and it hasn't been definitively collected anywhere.

See that's why, since I already have THE ENTIRE MYSTERY collection, I wasn't gonna get the Criterion, because even the extras (aside from a new Sheryl Lee interview) are all from the box set. Were there other extras that are supposed to be on the Criterion that I missed?

I completely get not liking FWWM, but

I'm not alone in thinking that the extra capital "E" in Janey-E's name "comes" from her very peculiar, very overt O-Voice, right?

I had a PDF of it on-hand, so here are (some of) the relevant excerpts.

While watching last Sunday's episode, I was having a salivatory daydream about 2 things:

"Twin Peaks fills a particular niche, and it isn't one that necessarily needs filling in for everyone."

Exactly. Speaking about FIRE WALK WITH ME, Sheryl Lee pointed out the obvious… Or at least, what should've been obvious to the fans who hated the movie because it wasn't like the show, since when it was first released, so many were upset by the lack of humor/silliness/etc.