
I've heard that sometimes Lynch fans who hadn't (yet) seen the original series appreciate FWWM more on first watch than those who were already fans of the show. Although, speaking as someone who saw the series before the movie, I have no idea how the opening 30 minutes, with Chris Isaak and Kiefer Sutherland in Dear

God damn it, don't give Zach Snyder any more ideas!

Nice! Yeah I see what you mean. Most of my adult life has been spent in academia (woe be upon me as I try to escape that particular hellhole!), but I have never really "gotten" Woody Allen. A lot of colleagues/mentors have suggested I'd love his work; not sure why I never did. Although my rich and creamy hatred for

Ah I gotcha. Yeah I think my Boyle dislike just runs deeper than I thought.

'Tis strange, that I would be far more comfortable with thousands of Mormon men —
each with a planet populated by their Mormon families, cloaked in loose-leaf pamphlets and gingham — who hold the codes for launching nuclear arms that are housed on their planet, than I am comfortable with the current US Presidential

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus, have you ever met any Mormons or been to any of their planets while jet-setting across the Cosmos?

Skinny Orson Welles.


I wouldn't worry if it comes to that, dude. Tarantino would just talk Lynch's ear off (HA!) while Lynch makes a scathing(ly shitty) painting about why QT is a bad man who makes bad things, while dancing his fingers in the air.

TL;DR - I pick Lynch because he has my Goddess Naomi Watts nekkid whenever he can.
Just some meandering thoughts:

I adore FWWM, but I can see folks not liking it. But you like the original Donna (Lara Flynn Boyle) more? I actually wish Moira Kelly was in the original series, as well. (Her gorgeousness is only, like, 10% of my reasoning…) I can't exactly say why I liked FWWM's Donna more, might be just a personal thing.

"Mister Redmond Barry! The last occasion on which we met, you wantonly caused me injury, and dishonor, in such a manner, and to such an extent, as to which no gentleman can willingly suffer without demanding satisfaction, however much time intervenes! I now come to claim that satisfaction!

The most beautiful Blu transfer of a B&W movie is, for me, Criterion's ERASERHEAD. There's a lot of competition (the supped-up ultimate edition of Welles's CITIZEN KANE is awesome, and Criterion's own THE THIRD MAN is incredible), but the ERASERHEAD Criterion Blu is, in my experience, the most beautiful B&W film I've

Shouldn't the contemporary Millennial version of this be "The Thigh-Gap Song"?

Oh for fuck's sake.

*grabs some popcorn, waits for the shitshow*

I would imagine if anybody knows about things that aren't very fun, it would be the Diseases of Gene Hackman. Oof.

Fun fact: Tom DeLonge's last name is actually a stage name he created in tribute to Alex DeLarge in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

Ahhhhh the little known, yet hugely influential, Scandinavian 80s hair metal band Cünty Cüntastic Cünt.