
Definitely. Wiseau is the only artist who can molest you by you simply thinking about him.

I think most folks will forgive much of a kid's tantrum-insanity as long as they know the parents are at least trying to deal with them effectively. If I'm out to eat and hear some kid going apeshit, knowing a parent is there to shut them down - and that they actually do shut them down each time -
alleviates 90% of

"A few months ago"? Oh, that stuff is definitely still here, they've just outsourced those thinkpieces to Youtube essayists and then cover them on Great Job Internet. The kids love video!


I'm generally with you here (and I am adoring this show like few others in my life), but:

…I can't possibly express how dumb I feel having never seen that before, either.

Do not - I repeat: DO NOT - underestimate the capacity for human cognitive dissonance. It is one of the great engines of human progress, being able to hold contradictory beliefs and facts in one's head (e.g., the basis for pursuing deeply held ideals in a pragmatic way), but it is also a horrifying mechanism of

Clearly, we all see what Coulter's issue was: Pssst…there's one o' them blacks on that thur' plane! GIT 'ER! Git 'er duuuun!

Oh I agree, it's very much a "every other system is worse" issue. The idea of "professional juries" sounds great in ignorance of the historical evils/corruptions of entrenched centralized power.

I see your sociological sacrilege, and I raise you an OJ Simpson trial!

I'm pretty much of the same mind about the broadly accepted relative qualities of various MCU movies, but I think I'm going to draw my last breath on Earth defending ULTRON. It ain't perfect, but there are so many characterizations and set-pieces to love - and so many Whedonisms, if you dig that sort of thing (I do,

What do Kelsey Grammar, Tim Allen, and James Woods have in Common?

This country was built on three god damn things: Rock 'n Roll, Kelsey Grammer puns, and lumber.

…That was unexpected.

It's astonishing that Badalamenti's music survived its unbelievable overuse by the slightly-to-very inferior creatives running the original TWIN PEAKS in Mark & David's absence. (No disrespect to most of them; I'm sure they'd admit as much if compared to Lynch & Frost.) If Badalamenti's music can survive that with its

Yep. Great Job, Charles de Lauzirika!

Definitely. I do want to try my hand at a semi-binge once the show's over, but week-to-week is definitely preferred right now for good reason.

Holy shit, how was it bingeing 9 episodes in a day?

We gotta grab these kids by the McGruff.

As they say 'round these parts, "it can be two things" etc.