
I invite you to start looking at the folks at Trump speeches/rallies and seeing just how many of them look like "people" in Hieronymus Bosch's paintings.

I think they'd still find a way to blame it on them damn lib'ruls.

I don't understand your PMSNBC insult. Kurt, Sir, I humbly ask: Would you please explain it to me? I'm still recovering from getting cucked and snowflaked super-hard last week.

…Not relevant, but @dominospizzaiskindagross:disqus, I must ask you: As a huge NYMPHOMANIAC fan, what happens in Vol. XI? I need mental material. For later.

Morning shows are supposed to get people animated and awake, they're not supposed to bore folks to sleep. Is there any sociopolitical commentator out there more boring than Brooks right now? Even when he pisses folks off he still does so boringly.

Ugh, yep. If Trump's election hasn't gotten through to folks on the left/Dems/progressives the fatalism of clinging to Ideological Purity At All Costs™, I don't know what will. Scarborough & Brzezinski might be idiots, and their anti-Trump-ness might well be opportunistic as all hell, but they could be very important

Yep. The masses love a speech with a good if-then statement!

Heh, well, I am on a TWIN PEAKS kick right now, and next week's episode does seem to be about Laura Palmer again…

I wanna be a hermit right now! I kinda already am, too. But Hermitry Loves Company! Wanna team up and…maybe…explore our sexuality? Hermetically?

Could not have put it better myself. I think that, barring violence and/or trolling/unproductive speech/behavior (and even then, I'm sympathetic to the tactics of, e.g., Malcolm X's younger years), it takes all kinds socially: centrists, moderate right- and leftists, and (to a lesser extent) radical right- and

"Buncha god damn Stefaniflakes!"

That's really fucking cool, thanks for the NOVA tip!

2 Smash 2 Mouth

It's cool, PT, other people will give you shit, but… I still love you despite your sick weird disgusting audio fetishes.

Their password is: ALIENATION FROM LABOR

"Soothing and passionate narration can sell any bullshit."

Yeah, Russos (and Marcus & McFeely, the other 2 screenwriters) may have some other cliffhanger in mind, but I have to imagine that at some point in the writing of both, Thanos walking to the edge of space and snapping his fingers and killing half the universe was the end of AVENGERS 3. But I can also see that not

AVClub is a flat circle…

We'll see what happens in AVENGERS 3 and 4, but what I've heard from the Russos suggests that not only are they mining Starlin's INFINITY trilogy for material (which is good), and not only are they mining Hickman's INFINITY saga more recently (which is fucking GREAT, god damn I love that entire story), but they might

With the exception of the "Sandman killing Ben" retcon (which I fucking hate, but don't know if it was Raimi's or Arad's idea…I hope not the former), the movie is 50/50 for me: The stuff I like, I adore, and the stuff I don't like is just shit. When the movie focuses on character work it's a blast but once Venom comes