
I wonder if Lynch will gradually weave in some imagery in the vein of what he created for the initial run, the ceiling fan and the record player, and other images highlighting the cycle of abuse.

So I just realized something awesome:

I'm proud of you. <3

The AVClub's review of the last LEFTOVERS episode convinced me to finally watch the series, so I started last night after watching the newest TWIN PEAKS episode. And boy am I happy I did. Justin Theroux and Carrie Coon are phenomenal. Coon is the MVP in pretty much everything she's been in. Which has only served to

TWIN PEAKS has always had a great deal to say about specific mental health-related issues, (IMHO) especially Depression and Sociopathy. Speaking as an atheist: When you've actually encountered somebody who is as empty and, for lack of a better term, evil as Evil Cooper - especially intimately - you begin to understand

As someone who has adored the show so far…I agree. I've just made my peace with the possibility that we'll have to deal with Dougie Cooper for far longer than I think is good for this narrative.

Good point about both Dougies! Yeah there is something there about Briggs' body potentially being the one found in the bed, and the floating Briggs head in episode 3. Just spitballing, but maybe Evil Cooper took Briggs' body and somehow used it to create Dougie? Fuck that doesn't work. I got nuthin'. I'm just enjoying

Belushi is an honest-to-god dead ringer for Alex Jones in this episode.

"Except that creepy kid at the bar is named “Richard Horne” in the credits, so he’s probably Audrey’s son who she had with Evil Cooper, right? Right?"


Lynch's longer term relationships have been with women closer to his age, but he has been known to casually date women much younger than himself.

I never saw the show.

I definitely prefer the smaller, more indie abortion restaurants over these fuckin' bullshit, corporate ones. I want to know that there's some love in my noms.

He has a book collection!

As an unabashed OG Marvel Whore, I second this. TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN is so astonishingly Genius it almost makes me angry that it could be this good.

Literally just finished watching that Q&A video, then 5 seconds later saw this comment.

Yep. One of the most famous negative comments was by Vincent Canby (who, it should be noted, was a constant champion of Stanley Kubrick's work): “It's not the worst movie ever made, it just seems to be."

BookTV takes me back, bro!

This was not on my radar until this review.

It's almost like other people exist.