
This filled me with joy, then found out he's a big Trump dude. Well, nobody's perfect, and I think the wonderful Polish writer Bruno Schulz said best how I feel currently:

Only reason I didn't include it is because I've never had the fortune of seeing a great version of it (live or home video). Do you have any recommendations for a good production with good sound quality on DVD or Blu? I would really appreciate it!

Exactly. It was Mark Frost that stayed after S1E2 and plotted the rest of Season 1, which is why it remains one of the most compulsively watchable runs in TV history. Some of the initial stuff that was introduced early in season 2 (the increasing grimness, axing the "Invitation to Love" parody, the longer more awkward

Here's a quick and dirty rundown of the reception. It was actually booed and hissed when it premiered at Cannes. There are some other savage reviews out there, too.

You busy busy beaver, you!

The long-awaited posthumous sequel to Puccini's TURANDOT.

Yeah I got a bit misty watching it. Vindication, right there. FIRE WALK WITH ME is one of the most personal movies I've ever seen, and the way it was treated was pretty fucking reprehensible. I don't usually get vicariously upset for the sake of folks with enough money to drown me, but I make an exception here.

Holy shit that is awesome.

I agree. I don't know exactly what the accepted definitions are, but "masterpiece" has always connotated to me as close to a "perfect" work as an artist can get, although maybe not indicative of every obsession or skill that that artist has. While a "magnum opus" is more like a summation of everything about that

Your rationality… it burns!

Can't believe I forgot about that. There ya go.

Yeah, on a conceptual level at least, showing the Great Northern is needed, plot-wise, to set up the presence of the room key.

C'mon dawg, err'body knows Analord is the dankest shit ;-).

18 parts my friend, 18!

That family photo is fucking disturbing. It looks partially like what Lynch did to the heads of the folks from the opening prostitution deal in INLAND EMPIRE.

Great point. It does sound like they pulled a FORCE AWAKENS with that. I really, really hope that we get a detailed behind the scenes of season 3 someday. I know Lynch hates that shit but the TWIN PEAKS Entire Mystery set has a ton of behind the scenes interviews and extras, so hopefully we'll get that.

Yeah, I kinda feel bad (kinda) for some of the other prestige shows airing new episodes right now. I mean……..

But keep in mind that there are probably a shit ton of guys like Jerry who have ventured into such drug distribution, with enough financial and social clout to keep ahead of the police.

Yeah, when the end of the credits started for the first time, my first thought was Julee Cruise's "The World Spins". And alllllll that that entails.

I am certain that we have only scratched the surface of MacLachlan's acting majesty, but his performances have already put him in award territory as far as I'm concerned. If you consider how little Lynch's actors ever understand what he's doing, and trust in his genius more than any other director I can think of in