
7/10 wuld bang

Agreed. I know the reviews have to come in under a word limit, but it is truly one of the most astonishing things Lynch has ever done. And that's saying something.

Mark Frost is one of the most historically knowledgeable TV writers out there, so I doubt you're overthinking this one!

Dude, I have also used the word "astonishing" so often (both online and in person) to describe that opening setpiece of episode 3. It's one of the greatest setpieces I have ever seen in the history of cinema. Truly astonishing.

It really bothered me that the review didn't mention this, because it makes the entire intention of the scene obvious. There's also this line from the review: "Denise alternates between gratitude and scolding, overflows with clichéd feminine tics, and is more concerned with another agent’s beauty than with her

…Sweet Jesus fucking Christ that is more terrifying than the new TWIN PEAKS.

It occurred to me one day that the flickering lights in TWIN PEAKS are basically a mirror of the black and white floor pattern of the Red Room/Lodges.

I…I cannot upvote this enough. Everybody needs some mythology in their lives!

I have been about as unkind to Snyder's work as anybody could be over the years. But who gives a shit? Because my God do I want to slap the living shit out of out some Disqus-ers right now.

Anybody else pick up that was MR SHOW's John Ennis at the slots with Dazed Cooper?

This this this. And it's not very different from how Lynch "feels" out his post-TWIN PEAKS (original series) movies anyway. He wants to throw you off before he starts giving you more familiar, comforting stuff.

Man, I wish I'd gotten the Reid comparison more often. It's only happened once. I mean, that character is in the same ballpark of Sheldon's - where they have some form of hyperintelligence that doesn't excuse being an ass - but you can still hang with Reid, I think. Sheldon… Sheldon has to go. Permanently.

This this this. When this piece of shit started getting traction on pop culture media sites…like, you know what constitutes the psychology of somebody who does this shit, right? Right? This guy's MRAness is not surprising.

Are you fucking kidding me?

The Wonder Showzen gospel runs in deep in me. I am so there.

That is pretty much my perspective too.

We gotta think bigger than just bringing down Trump, y'all. (And more than likely, Trump is pretty fucking immune to other blow-hard gluttonous skeevy scumbags who hate his guts, so I doubt Michael Moore will make a dent here.)

"Rube"…is a great word.

1st Date = Coffee
2nd Date = Casual Drinks
3rd Date = Marital Strife
