
Ah ok I see, that makes senses now.

Actually ApesMa, do you have a different region ERASERHEAD blu or DVD? I just checked me to make sure and "The Cowboy and the Frenchman" isn't on it. Also you can see it on Criterion's site.

Ah you're right, I think I was thinking of the Hulu streaming of his short films when Criterion was on Hulu, thanks for clarification.

I adore Lynch on a molecular level, but have never dug his straight-up comedy at all. (He's a huge fan of Jacques Tati, as am I, but Lynch's physical comedy always struck me as a reeeeeally sub-par version of Tati. It's honestly endearing for me to see Lynch, in my opinion, fail at something, anything, for once.) Not

On the commentary for that sketch, Paul F. Tompkins notes that he wanted to write a follow-up sketch with Van Hammersly where he was a spy in WW2 and had to use Billiards to somehow gain intel on the enemy.

True. Hasn't Criterion been on a Tarkovsky roll in the past few years? I think they recently put out STALKER. You might get THE MIRROR sooner rather than later, hopefully!

I really hope that the recent publication by Criterion Collection of Welles's post-Hollywood work heralds more appreciation and analysis of his life/work such as the documentary announced here. I will not be satisfied until a loving Criterion is made of THE TRIAL.

Same. CineFix, once I found them, strike me as actually knowing what the hell they talk about far more than the other clickbaity channels. They still come from that realm of youtube vids, but they are at least a little smarter at it.

One thing I find notable about his work from ERASERHEAD up to (and including) FWWM is that you can see Lynch working out his (in)ability to understand women/female psychology through his work, even to a smaller extent in THE ELEPHANT MAN and DUNE. I think you hit on one reason I am not as big a fan of LOST HIGHWAY as

Awesome! I don't think I've ever met anybody who saw the movie before the show.

Might wanna skip that Donna scene, oy vey!

Thanks, I thought it was while he was directing that but I wasn't sure.

I'm not sure how many fans are aware of this, but after the Pilot episode, Mark and David kinda tag-teamed the show for most of its run. After episode 2 (the Cooper dream, rock throwing, etc), David was somewhat distant while shooting WILD AT HEART, and it was Mark who actually spearheaded the rest of season 1, which

She gives good feet, apparently *shudder*.

…dat a capella though…

Heh, gotcha.

True Story Bruh:

Totally, Sheryl Lee is astonishing in those horrific parts of the series (and of course, FIRE WALK WITH ME…the totality of the series, really), and she should have won all the fucking awards out there for that role if there was any justice in such awards.

Great link, thank you. I haven't watched it yet but now I feel like I have to to talk about it after reading such a diversity of teenager opinions. I don't really give a damn what the adults think about something like this, it's not for them.