
Yep! Damned if you do/don't. I think my issue comes from a deeper distaste for "no-win" situations in general. It's such a fatalistic feeling to me in my own life, and I can't stand seeing when it happens to other people…even super-rich people who have no need for my sympathies.

Yeah I've read/heard some of those critics in the last few days too. I think the following might be related:

They've made a miserly career out of making the best non-drawings of Muhammad.

The right hemisphere, I'd like to keep my verbal ability to piss off the entire Disqus community apparently!

You gotta represent. History clearly shows that science can do no wrong!

O sweet bliss!

Neuropsych researcher with a strong evolutionary background here.

"If so, I can get behind to the side of that.

Eh, who gives a shit, I'm sure Th' Kids will love it!

Oh, here's as good a place as any to bring this up: Personally, I think both words "penis" and "vagina" are horrendous sounding for what they describe. Especially "vagina", sounds so cold and clinical. I hereby, in the spirit of Vagina Club, propose that the word should instead by "vaheen" (phonetically, spelling

Heh, I…probably should have specified. But I want folks to have some mystery in their lives…

…I have no idea what the above exchange was about, and I'm not sure I'd ever read it again, but I do respect it nonetheless.

I'm scared of watching this, because if I do, I'm worried it might become my most favorite thing ever. The pinnacle of Western Civilization. I'm not sure I want to know this about myself.

Wholeheartedly agreed. Their Basement recording was how I finally got into that album.

So kids, instead of doing rails o'drugs to numb the trauma and tragedy inside you, nail some phat rails with your very own Laura Palmer board! Stiff as a corpse in rigor mortis.

I don't know the answer, but what I do know is:

Excellent user name/comment ironic synergy!

Shhhh… don't give Zach Snyder any more Big Ideas…

This honestly reads phonetically closer to a few WAKE audiobook recordings than the original.

For what it's worth: Tobolowsky also has one of the most hilarious on-screen deaths in what is, for my money, the single best, most ridiculous episode of Law & Order: SVU ever, the appropriately named "Bullseye" (S12E02).