
I wish my own balls were as brilliant at physical comedy as her!

But… why would you suffer with such Gibsonian brutality for something you're that half-hearted about? Who the hell do you think you are, Jeepers Creepers or something? You better get your shit together soon, brah, Jesus fucking Christ is coming back, motherfucker!

Those rarefied moments on Fox News are what I have to hang on to so that I can remain optimistic that at least some of the idiots working there still have some slight semblance of a soul.

Yeah, I mean, the other examples in this video (along with aaaaall the others that aren't included in this sampling) are par for the course. But the Brian Kilmeade example literally dropped my jaw. It's fucking reprehensible, and… in the original sense of both words, simultaneously awesome and awful. Like, wow.

Probably. I'm just gonna assume that all the non-nu-metal writing in the article is originally from the WAKE, after being run through the Spellfucker.

For an article like this to not reference FINNEGANS WAKE is fucking criminal.

Oh wow, I'd never heard any of this before. I have no idea. Oddly enough, I can imagine Fisher working on that movie more than I can Sorkin.

I've watched it fairly recently. I dunno, I still love it but I can certainly see how it could be gratingly dated at this point, for sure.

…My utter love and affection for that movie makes a whole lot more sense now. I can't believe I never knew this. THE ROCK is a great film, and I'm glad it's in the Criterion Collection.


I don't think High Magic is gonna work against anything Alex Jones-related (including my onanistic reveries related to him); cuz he's all MAN, baby. Rather, methinks you're gonna need some High Magickkk for anything involving this guy.

Yep. Think of how I feel.

You're welcome. It's good for you. Builds character.

As much as I adore the psychotherapist's comments here about Jones, I… have to agree. This Dr. Phil/Dr. Drew horseshit is certainly entertaining in the short term - I get it and have watched a bit of both to see the trainwreck - but is extremely toxic in the long term. Psychiatric terms like "depression",

Now that is something I would masturbate to. Alex Jones can't cry enough to sate my sexual desires.

Shhhhhh, dude, hush, they might actually go for that.

I'm…I'm proud of you. For going There.

Infinity was a bit of a splurge, for sure. What sold me was the art and inks, and helped me justify an unjustifiable expense.

If Criterion doesn't remaster that movie (my favorite Welles out of a shitload of "favorite Welles") and publish it in the next year, I will go to their offices and steal all their blu-rays. As punishment.

Perfect timing: I just bought three Thanos/Infinity-related collections last week: Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity War, and the most recent Hickman-scripted Infinity storyline.