
I really enjoyed watching the video the first time. But then going back through it but click pause every second and admiring the picture was even more enjoyable.

That just made me really happy. I basically forgot about those god for saken numbers.

I'm going to stay with pulse for the time being. It's just so simple to use.

I'm a freshman at a liberal arts school. All my book money is spent on used basic books to get my core requirements done. I'll probably end up buying a set junior or senior year.

I want to go to UC Berkley to study molecular Biology. After watching the video I really wanted to read the book/books, so I went to the website then to Amazon to discover it costs $450. Ya. Not gunna happen. Maybe 100 or 150, but not 450. I'm a college student for cry out loud!

Seattle represents!

sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet. "password" is number 1

I use itunes on my computer to listen to music. But if I'm ever away from my computer and want my music, I have it all saved to google music. I don't use it often, but when I need my music, its always online. for free.

Andddddd I can't use it. yet.

that icon still looks live somebody giving head.

I don't normally think that hard when I'm texting an ellipsis. I'll stick with dot dot dot...

If this applied to people buying houses in California, American Horror Story would have ended within four minutes of the first episode.

The only time I said period and it didn't work was when I actually wanted it to type out the word period. (it was at the end of a sentence though.) Siri also recognizes if you say "dot dot dot" and it, she, or he (idk Siri's sex) will type out "...". very useful.

She is the FASTEST typest I have ever seen. I mean, she typed two sentences with about 10 keystrokes.

The thing I use siri for the most is typing out text messages. I don't hold down the center button, I just click the microphone button next to the keyboard and say what I want to type. It is so much faster than typing out each text message.

Now playing

How to break into a dorm room. This has come in handy about 5 times since I first made the tool.

Just a random question. In the video you guys made, why does the S in "iPhone 4S" change into a dollar sign right before it disappears? You see it right when the white letters are about to finish passing over the iPhone 4S. I just thought it was a bit strange.

VOTE: Alfred

I use it too!

jitouch. best application ever. Its in the mac app store and costs 7$. worth it. Lots and lots of add-ons, including the one mentioned here. I don't know how I could ever go back to messing around on my computer without it.