
I use RSS for websites other than lifehacker, gizmodo, or gawker. The photos always load funny...

Unfriend finder told me my five best friends defriended me....

I second the S4i headphones.

Dammit. I thought I actually won something on the internet.

When I first looked at drawing, I tried to find the ipad attached. But nope, it wasn't the South Park version of Human Centipede.

Click on the link in the second to last paragraph. It's still not NSFW worthy.

I just thought of how closely this resembles Borat's DVD. I also have never seen that CD that was posted like 4 times below, and at the same time I'm ashamed to know what the Borat DVD looks like...

Does nobody keep people on their friend's list who they find extremely entertaining? I have a friend who I sort of knew in high school who is now a full time porn star. Not going to defriend her because her status's are so fucking entertaining! And then I have the "cool" kids from high school who are dumb mother

ya. That is from about a week ago when they detailed an app that is better than the native contact app on the iphone.

i feel so pathetic complaining about 99 cents. But now that the idea that it was free at one time makes me not want to ever pay for it. I'll just wait till its free again. If that never happens, oh well

ya. not free. 99 cents.

Because the guy who's pathetic job it is to write these posts had to stick with promoting the company. If you look at wafflehouse's twitter feed, you'd see that every single tweet has a link or hashtag promoting their company. The company probably requires that something be linking each tweet back to the company.

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with this. Some person wrote that tweet. They probably thought they were paying their respects. The idea that a whole post can be made over a simple tweet is ludicrous. There has to be better things in the technology world to write about than a single bland tweet.

They are just rebroadcasting over the air tv onto the internet. They money they make doesn't go to any of the broadcasters but towards the equipment (servers etc.). Basically the money is not going towards making a TV show.

Creepy. I just made almost the same comment 2 posts up...

just answering #2. Microsoft Word? I just shelled out for a student version ($35). But other people in the world have to pay the normal ($110 posted on amazon).

Now playing

I think this is a more interesting video. it is "literally" 3D.

This makes me so happy that you posted about Downton Abbey. The xmas special was kind of corny, but really good at the same time. I can't wait for season 3.... I watch it once it comes out in the UK. waiting for US release? not possible. I must have Downton Abbey.

orrrrrr you could go to target and buy one.