
"You know, you basically have me to thank for this?"
"You're welcome."
"By the way, is it wrong that I…"
"Yes. Very."

Huh, I forgot about that. How did Carnage originate again then?

Or Sony could just do the right thing and loosen their deathgrip on the Sonyverse, and give it all back to Marvel. C'mon, Sony, you know you're never gonna make as much money, just do it already!

*cough* ahem.

Hell yes! I didn't know this, but I'm all for it!

I'm all for some Slade flashbacks now, or maybe him off looking for Jericho.

This finale, unfortunately, explains how we're gonna lose(?) Dinah as a regular in favor of Black Siren: Dinah's gonna be a casualty of the explosion.

"Assumption is the mother of all failures!"

“Wait.. I want to say something to you, before everything happens…. Actually, I’m going to yell at you! So you don’t cry! Because your makeup looks so good! I love you so much! And if your father was alive, I know he’d be so proud of the woman you are.”

"Would’ve been five, but I turned down Rob Lowe. Twice, actually.”

Hmmm. You might be right, though it looked like the future. Which I guess it was.

"And here I thought your signature move was blowing your load all over a woman's dress during foreplay!"

"I know. I just wanted to do it."
That's what you get for trying to steal Simmons' man, Ophelia Aida. Don't piss off Jemma Simmons.

"I'm already helping a bunch of idiot do-gooders. Sorry, I'm up to my fuzzy hood in teamwork."
"Would it help if I said please?"
"No. And you already have a bunch of superhero types in your life, why ask me?"
"Well, you have… a particular set of skills."
"Great movie. Last time we tried to be buddy-buddy, it didn't work

"Oh my god, enough. Alright ladies, ladies, ladies, if I wanted to listen to this adolescent macho posturing, I would have stayed in D.C. Is this really who you want to be? Testosterone-driven windbags boasting about their big guns? Surely we don't need to measure anything… we're women. We're tough, we're wise, and

"Look, I don't care if you don't want to be in the middle, I need to talk this over with someone and you're my only real friend!"

"No Barbara this week, which is once again tremendously disappointing."

Somebody tell that to Dikachu.

"I mean, you try to raise them right, and then they run off with your mortal enemy. What's a dad to do?"

I was hoping beyond hope for the first half of the episode that she was gonna be redeemed and stay as a part of the team. But then Fitz broke her heart and she went terrifyingly cuckoo.