
The 4 headlamp Mercedes models did not work, IMO. It felt like a retro 80s styling cue, forced upon an early 2000s blob design. I see a Jellybean Taurus everytime.

I agree, it was a step backwards. But when GM decided not to update the truck in the face of the new F150 and Ram, they had to do something - anything to not get clobbered. 

I disagree. The update is inoffensive, if painfully bland. The original is a horrendous and incongruous mix of round, sharp and flat angles, with no visual direction. The only thing cheap, corporate radio console is awkwardly off kilter. Really, one of the worst interiors I've ever seen. At least the update was

I think the new one is a major improvement

Mondeo was sold unchanged here as the Contour and Mercury Mystique. You’re correct that the Cougar was based in the Mondeo.

Both reputations were rightfully earned. BMW seems to take it as a source of pride. “There is no such thing as a cheap BMW” and “The most expensive BMW is the cheapest to buy”.

These were generally reliable cars. Finding one under $4k that isn’t tasteless modified, beat to shit or has 200k miles is getting harder.

It’s nice that there are more options for WAVs now than just minivans. While a minivan is obviously the most practical choice for disabled drivers (and families, small businesses, contractors... The majority of Americans, actually), you may be surprised to find out that they’re not cool or stylish. And yes, disabled

Snow Destroyer and Ice Destroyer are references to the queer British viral video “c*ck destroyers”

The Foose option is somehow worse. There are some decent aftermarket concepts already. Particularly this 8 series graft.

Waiting for this aftermarket nose job to launch. 

It was a totally acceptable crossover. It was very spacious, extremely practical with clever features, excellent visibility when driving, and better road manners and fuel efficiency than contemporary BOF SUVs (which was a very low bar).

Aztek. It was lambasted as the ugliest car ever created and a worthless SUV, being based on a FWD minivan.

That’s stupid logic. Because someone chose to be a fucking moron, it’s the obelisk’s fault?

Daimler - Chryler merger. That is the worst decision ever, until Stellantis happens.

They’re a harmless, curious and quirky art installation that inspired armchair sleuths to have a bit of fun. It’s one of the only things in 2020 that isn’t complete shit.

Yeah but it's not easy to find. You can get pblaster almost anywhere, which is handy when you're halfway through a job and don't want to wait 2 days for Amazon to deliver something that your local hardware or auto parts store has in stock

Someone told me about this. Haven’t had a chance to use it, but will come in handy during winter repairs.

I keep waiting for the day the no-name, Vietnamese-made ratchet set my dad bought in the 90's at Dollar General to give out and give me an excuse to buy a proper ratchet, but here we are - 25 years on and it hasn’t given out. The plastic case hasn’t even broken yet. Sometimes cheap hand-tools can serve you well. For

Keep a bottle of this handy. I’ve stripped many bolts and busted many knuckles trying to loosen seized bolts, before I started using this.