
She said she was working 60+ hours a week (likely as a pharmacy tech or resident, making decent money) and graduated with a Pharmacy degree, which will pay very well. All while living in an affordable state. She may have no debt at all. My sister did the same thing and had no debt when she graduated pharmacy school.

I second this! Put snow tires on the Subaru and keep it for winters for a long time. Buy a summer car you love, like a Cayman, Z4 or even a Miata.

My partner just bought an S60 T6 and it is spectacular. But I would recommend a leftover Genesis G70 AWD. You can get them for dirt cheap with a 10 year/10k miles warranty.

I say this as a lifelong Chicagoan who didn’t vote for Rahm. He was a bad mayor in a lot of regards, particularly around policing, economic justice and education.

Yeah Rahm isn’t a great guy. But name one US city with a better investment in public transit, bike transit and walkability than Chicago. There isn’t.

I think they’re talking about the victims in the crimes being treated different, based on class of status. Like why was vandalism to a bank or expensive condo building considered “serious” enough to access the cameras, while vandalism to a cheap apartment building or small business not considered serious enough to

For an organization that allegedly supports electric cars, they almost exclusively publish articles bashing EVs - based on very shaky or downright incorrect reasons. From Tesla, to GM, to Porsche, to Audi, to Rivian, to Lucid... It doesn’t really matter who the manufacturer is or how good the car is - Jalopnik has it

- 10 mm socket

If you get a car right as it’s coming off the truck or order it, you can ask the dealer to leave most of it on. Some things, like wheel covers and exterior wraps, must be taken off for safety reasons. But a lot of the interior, badges and stuff can be left on.

The adhesive will cause long term damage if left on the paint and interior for an indefinite time (I did this once after getting a new car and the adhesive ruined the brushed aluminum trim on the interior- big mistake).

Yeah it’s not meant to replace every helmet. It’s meant to replace helmets for people who commute on bikes and don’t want to mess up their hair. Those people most likely will never get into a bike crash that is life threatening - this is insurance for when they do.

It’s a shame. They have a very competent chassis/engine/transmission combo with the Q50. Why couldn’t they make another crossover based on this (an actual FX successor), instead of this tarted up Murano?

That isn’t the problem. How do rich people get to the airport? Ubers, taxis, limos. It would be exactly the same for getting to train stations.

Need For Speed Two had some offensive renders. But I’ll forgive it for introducing me to obscure supercars like the:

I think a lot of companies will permanently get rid of offices to save money, especially if their industry doesn’t require as much collaboration or creative input (which can be done remotely, but not nearly as effectively).

You should do a write-up on the different methods to remove wheel lock keys. Especially the new style McGards with the spinning ring. Infuriating 

Bronco guy: No, on every point you made.

If the US market Blazer was called anything other than Blazer, it wouldn’t get so much hate here. It seems like a decent car and one of the less bland, generic compact crossover blobs on the market.

If they’re trying to go upmarket, they don’t really have any cpnpetive engines. Sure, the 2.5T AWD Mazda3 makes a nice competitor to the A3, 228ix Gran Coupe and the A220... But it’s just barely competitive with their base models... Nowhere near competitive with the M235i, A35 AMG and RS3.