
It’s more likely they’re using some shitty automated “artificial Intelligence” software that can recognize what features typically exist in each part of the car, so it automatically adds a banner with a random feature.

This isn’t uncommon at large, old, bureaucractic organizations. We recently dealt with this at a pharmaceutical company. One of the world’s largest and most important ones, yet (like most of pharma) their systems are archaic.

The key fob really describes the Aston experience. Before this, they had a cheap Ford key, like from a Crown Vic. Because Aston was a parts-bin bastardization of its former self. Then like a true Aston owner they over compensated with something beautiful, impractical, fragile and rarely used. You can hook it to a key

Where does the key hook to a Keychain? Obviously not on the crystal. Not on the other end. And it would look absurd having it hang in front of your radio. Clearly not a practical key. People must loose them constantly without a Keychain 

Actual screenshot from last week’s John Oliver episode.

First-gen or second-gen Mini cooper. Easy to park, practical hatch, stylish, good fuel economy, cheap insurance. It’s fun to drive too and nobody will know it’s old because all Minis look the same! They’re decently reliable and perfect for cities. I love when people have cars in NYC. It gives me hope for when I move

Well today financial markets and global trade responds so rapidly to crises like this, I bet shit will hit the fan when he's in office. It takes years to open up a factory in a new country... A day to shut one down. 

Remember 2007 when Bush’s policies directly crashed the global economy? Republicans still found a way to blame it on Obama who wasn't even elected yet. Facts don't matter to these people 

The one remarkable thing about this truck, the Durango and Dakota of the time is how quickly they rotted away to nothing. It’s really impressive! I think they’re biodegradable or something

Do you remember these beauties?

My 2001 M5 had the best steering wheel, but this new one isn’t half bad

Maybe it depends on your car. I have a 2011 BMW 5 series with the extremely complex and integrated iDrive. I bought a plug-and-play 11 speaker upgrade from Bavsound for $500. It sounds amazing and plugged right in - no wires cutting or programming. They also offer underseat sub upgrades and amp upgrades - all plug and

I know what I’ve got.

I always thought this sonata reminded me of the 9-3 ... which is a good thing. Understated and handsome

Another important factor: did a new model of a car come out in the last two years? This impacts resale value as less people want to buy the car from the last generation... Especially for luxury cars 

I rented a Limited Taurus with 6 (six) miles on it. The Bose stereo was already rattling and driving me mental. Build quality leaves a lot to be desired even if it is reliable.

Can you take off with a passenger on the toilet?

You’re probably right. For a while I thought Uber would beat them to it... Mostly because they stole Waymo’s IP and had a blatant disregard for safety - meaning they would be comfortable putting a half-baked autonomous car into public service. But now I see Waymo as the inevitable winner.

I grew up in Indiana and live in Chicago. Ive driven all over California for work and vacation. I’m shocked at how smooth and nice the majority of roads are there, compared to the Midwest. Consider yourself blessed for having no winter

So you’re saying... Populism isn’t a good idea? Shocking.