
When I was in Kotor, Montenegro this summer, I rented a third generation Golf with 224,000 kilometers. Not kidding. Manual transmission, manual everything from a sketchy travel agency run out of some ladies apartment that my hostel recommended me to. In vietnam this summer, I rented an old Honda Wave scooter that

I’m 6'4". I can barely fit in my E39 with my helmet on, but I can stretch my legs out in a Miata. It’s also about headroom

The new Golf TDI. It's hard to stall because it has so much low end torque and an easy to learn clutch. If you do stall it, it automatically restarts when you press down the clutch. It holds itself on hills automatically. The parking brake is automatic so it engages when you turn the car off and disengages when you

They want wealthy Millennials, because they’re quickly making up a large portion of luxury car buyers and will soon be the majority. Millennials don't think Cadillac is cool, but they think these coffee shops are. Brand association

The idea isn't "Oh hey, Kardashian 3 has a BMW. I'll buy one now." It's over time, making people think BMW is cool because cool people have them. It keeps the brand on top of their mind and influences the image of BMW over time.

How is this different than any other advertising or product placement? I’ll tell you how. People respond better when an person they trust touts a product than when they see it in a TV ad. Better yet, instead of casting a wide, expensive net, hoping theirtarget audience is watching Show A and timeslot 2, they can see

Once again, the answer is Miata.

When we were little kids, she would let us sit on her lap and steer the minivan as we drove up our long driveway. Indirectly, she taught my sister how to drive stick when she bought a beater ‘91 Accord. That sister then taught me how to drive stick a few years later. When I told her I was considering buying my first,

*each had one.

My roommate and Aunt had one and “dependable” is not a word that should be used to describe this. Or any 2000's mercedes

A GPS device seems superfluous to me when I have a perfectly good smartphone. But for a trucker, ambulance driver or some other career driver, it’s easier to have the dedicated device

Not as well. If you’re asking that question, this isn’t for you. People who buy these types of products don’t use their smartphones for a reason. It’s for people who dictate all day long. Quicker and easier to have a separate device.

Well statistically you’re wrong. But anecdotes rule the internet so have fun.

Exactly. Most people don’t realize a normal coffee pot doesn’t have any pump or moving parts (except one plastic ball that moves back and forth). When you add high pressure pumps, sensor, computers, it’ll obviously fail faster. And the heating element in a Keurig is much more sophisticated than the simple coil in a

I bought a 6 cup Black & decker coffee maker from Target 3 years ago for $7. A Keurig ususally lasts about 3 years (with regular maintenance) before the pump or heater goes out.

I was just explaining where the “hidden” wastes of Keurig come from.

The trash these generate isn’t even the most environmentally detrimental thing about K cups. Imagine how much energy is wasted transporting them. A bag of ground coffee has amazing space efficiency (There’s almost no air or wasted space between the packaging and the contents). A standard 1 lb bag of coffee will make

I got one for graduation. Not liking the idea of the throwaway pods, I bought a plastic refillable one. But the coffee was still shit an it didn’t save any time. I sold it on Craigslist and bought a $7 Black & Decker 5 cup coffee maker that has served me well for 4 years.

My university’s car Club page had consisted of nothing but Mustang memes for the last 3 days. The stereotype is so true it hurts.