
“a great smartphone and an expensive smartphone aren’t mutually exclusive.” I don’t think you said what you meant to say there.

The only time I see this being a big issue is if you have one of those Toyotas with a wireless charging plate. I had one in my work car Camry and it was handy to toss my phone on there while I’m driving and not deal with a mess of cables. But at home, Wired is better. It’s faster and you can use it while it charges.

You must not be into cars or pay much attention to them. Yes, ripoffs do happen and get cried about a lot. To say “every car looks the same” is just not true. Sure, many have similar shapes, just as all cell phones tend to be a rectangle and laptops tend to be rectangles with a flappy bit up top. But at least cars

The Germany wouldn’t let VW fail. Simply because they’re vital to the German economy. Like they could trigger a financial crisis in Germany, even if every other company was doing fine. And seeing as Germany props up the EU, I doubt the ECB would let VW fail, even if Germany did.

They usually get RFID tags that would lower the bollards so they can enter. At least I’ve seen this on streets that have traffic restrictions. Taxis and work vehicles are exempt. I imagine they pay a tax for that and could be ticketed if they enter for non-work reasons as well.

I’ve **attempted** to drive around central Oslo. It’s basically already prohibited. So many of the streets are pedestrian or tram only it seemed like. And the roads they did have were small and parking did not exist.

They put the passes in a database and they probably aren’t sent a second letter for at least x months

I am a three pedal diehard, and even I wish I had an automatic when I’m in traffic.

I’d rather be on a bus when I’m stuck in traffic than just about any car in the world (unless I’m being driven). At least I can read a book, send some emails, take a nap, and generally feel productive while stuck in traffic. None of which I can do behind the wheel. Even if it’s an amazing car, I’m still just sitting

As they should be. Amazon recruits at my business school and it seems to have affected how many people apply there. Last spring, their lines at career fairs were some of the longest. This fall, there is hardly a line there at all. Your ability to recruit top talent at all paygrades is essential to your success, and

Both parties are assholes here. One is just more of an asshole.

Really, a Crown Vic? Again? It just looks like pandering this time. Desperately trying to put it on every 10 Best list... even a list of 4x4s where it has no business being.

Throwing cyclists this small bone is nothing compared to the subsidization cars receive. In Indiana, the road tax is very, very low. Cars wreak havoc on any city’s infrastructure and here it is subsidized by other taxes. Let’s not forget the externalized environmental damage from driving cars. Oh, and every bike

Okay, keep your tin hat on. Cards are much safer than cash. My brother’s been mugged at gunpoint in Chicago 3 times. He lost whatever cash was in his wallet, but nothing from his cards. I’ve had my card hacked once and one phone call had the charges reversed and a new card shipped to me. And they were the ones who

You’re right. It was the ‘86 7-series. (barring an oddball chrysler in the 60’s)

Despite what that gawker article says, I’m still believe someone with a refined wine palate could tell the difference between cheap, boxed Franzia (tastes like sugar and grape juice) and a good bottle of wine. I’ll admit, though, price is not necessarily correlated with quality. Some of my favorite wines cost about

Really? The whole purpose of a RHD mail carrier is to reach mailboxes easier. That may be hard with it being so low and having itty bitty window slits

First road car with projector headlights. The SLSS stereo actually rotated the speakers, depending on setting, to take advantage of the glass dome acoustics. This car actually had a perfume system integrated into the HVAC, much like the new S-class... This thing was literally the future in 1990.

I rented a diesel Golf MkVII in Portugal with the same deal. If you turned on start-stop, automatic parking brake, hill-start assist, it was basically like driving an automatic. If you stalled, it started right back up by depressing the clutch. If you stopped the car and forgot to set the park brake, it set itself. If

If I’m at a gas station or drinking Maxwell House in some miserable waiting room, sure I’ll add sugar and cream to mask the atrocious taste. But drinking coffee black allows you to appreciate the nuances, aromas and flavors of different coffees. It’s much like wine, An acquired taste. Even what may be imperceptible to