
volvo is not Chinese. Geely has a majority stake, but the profits go back to Sweden first. Where they pay wages for Swedish employees and super high taxes to Sweden. Then the remaining profit (or debit) goes to Geely. So it benefits a lot of people in different countries, not just China. And nothing is 100% good in

You're also giving money to Volvo and lots of highly educated Swedes. This is the company that gave the world some safety features like modern seat belts, crumple zones, automatic braking, child seats, etc. Sometimes for free.

I'm sorry, but the new C-class is atrocious. It's a shame because the last model was such a handsome little car.

For affordable 4 doors, this has to be it.

I also nominate

As the past owner of an identical (minus the tinted headlights and stupid lip spoiler) 540i, I must agree this is the best car you can buy under $10,000. Hell that was my goal when I bought mine. I had $5000 and the best possible car was a '97 540i/6. It serves me faithfully for years and I would still drive it to

Andorra is the only European state with a small plate. Every other state as the massively long ones that, IMO, are much uglier than the rectangular ones we have. Also Europeans don't get fun designs, like your alma mater, as options for their plates.

Very useful. Very ugly.

I bet you there are some states in America where the owner would be liable if he crashed.

what about lease swap websites?

But what if the bully is a lying, evil person but way more successful than you? Like Bill Belichick. Glitter bomb that asshole.

Trying to find something I don't like about this car.

I normally agree but this is a great usage of random chrome.

If you're moving 70 miles per hour, brake lights mean a slight deceleration 90% of the time. Most drivers expect to slow a few MPH.

I work at a hospital with a free valet service. Normally I wouldn't bother because it takes way too long. But nobody working there can drive stick. So I just park my car along the curb and hand them the keys. They get in, get out and my car sits next to the curb, right by the front door all day. Since our parking

You're wrong. Hazard are meant to warn people of a... HAZARD. Like unexpected deceleration.

I drove an 09 challenger V6 and I'm not kidding when I say it may have been the worst new car I've ever driven.


But... there is a problem. People aren't aware just how predatory these places are.

I've known about this trick since drivers' ed in high school. I've owned several cars since then and zero have had this arrow.