I didn’t blame the victims. I blamed the parents of the victims.
I didn’t blame the victims. I blamed the parents of the victims.
silly, misguided woman
Same old dribble. Reagan was a dumb, crazy, racist, George Bush was a racist, George Walker Bush was dumb, crazy, racist. Trump is a dumb, crazy, racist. See a pattern, yet?
White men created the computer and smart phone you can’t do without
Who is everyone? I know you are not including you
It is hilarious the bias Trump receives. CNN does a hit piece on Donald Trump, using “a useful idiot” Lebron James and you people fall for it hook, line and sinker. CNN know’s Trump’s temperament, immaturity and ego will play in their favor. CNN’s way of garnering ratings, disguised as day to day journalism.
“Yeah they should have just stayed home and got killed. You fucking idiot.”
“civilization on the golden principles of slavery and genocide.”
Really?!....we have to resort to violence? Sad. This is why the black community is f’ed up. 6% of the population commits 50% of the murders, most of the victims being black
That’s pretty funny. Nice to see you too :-)
Thank you for your constructive criticism.
Like it or not. Racist people have the constitutional right to march and be protected. The union have no legal grounds to say, no
I am black. I just have a different point of view NOW. I once thought like you. There are blacks all over the world with different points of view. Black American culture is not the end all; be all of blackness
White men stole America? They stole something that didn’t exist before they stole it.
Have a nice day
I don’t know if that was a joke, being the slave being 3/5, so if it is, then know this. That it wasn’t white men but white men Democrats.
“This time, he pointed his beard at Sarah Jeong, a recently hired member of the New York Times editorial board who has come under some aggressively stupid fire for being “racist” against white people.”
First off. Thank you for the civility
I have not a clue what you are talking about